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About the Authors
Helmut Schmid received a diploma in
applied physics from the University of
Lübeck in 1994. He was awarded a PhD
.n Engineering from the Martin-Luther
Jniversity of Halle-Wittenberg in
1003. He has been with the Federal Mar-
‚time and Hydrography Agency since
2017, and his research interests include
naritime navigational sensors and ap-
olications related to commercial ship-
Martin Portier was awarded a Master’s
degree in applied information technol-
ogy from the Technical University of
Lübeck in 2020. His research interests
include cross-modal solution for mobil-
ity within the Network of Experts of the
Federal Ministry for Digital and
Hans Herrmann ®
Hans Herrmann was awarded a Mas-
ter’s degree in 2019 and a PhD in elec-
trical engineering from the University of
Rostock in 2023. He has been with the
Federal Maritime and Hydrography
Agency since 2023, and his research in-
terests include maritime navigation and