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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2020

Appendix 2: List of samples 
CTD-profiles with 
Total Alkalinity 
Organic pollutants 
83 stations 
43 stations, 43 samples 
83 stations, 180 samples 
49 stations, 124 samples incl. duplicates and 10 fold determination 
49 stations, 126 samples incl. duplicates and 10 fold determination 
49 stations, 130 samples incl. duplicates and 10 fold determination 
49 stations, 72 samples incl. duplicates and 10 fold determination 
63 stations 
Cäsium-137 (Cs-137): 67 samples 
Strontium-90 (Sr-90): 23 samples 
Tritium (H-3): 24 samples 
Transuranic elements (Pu-238, Pu-239/240, Am-241, Cm-244): 37 samples 
Bottle samples at GNO040 from 499 m, 240 m, 92 m, approx. 50 m 
polar (10L/5L): 83 stations, 101 samples (incl. blank, spike, duplicate) 
nonpolar (100L): 33 stations, 49 samples (inlcl. blank, spike, duplicate) 

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