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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2020

GNo46A_| 22:11:59 ! 03.08.20 [58.098 :2.002]_58 59.86 [N 002 
eNno46_| 00:01:10 | 04.08.20 | 59.000 1508! s8 59.99 |N! 001 
GN047_ 05:07:13 ! 04.08.20 | 50.000 | -0.001 | 59 ‘_0.03 |N | 000 
GNO48__| 08:40:33 * 04.08.20 } 58.999 * 1.003} 58 59.96 {N} 001 
GNOS0__| 22:17:02 ' 04.08.20 | 59.000 ' 4.495158 30.08 [N] 004 
„GN053B_ 05:38:25 | 06.08.20 | 59.099 | 1996 | 59 59.03 |N | 001 
GN054 | 09:11:14 | 06.08.20 | 60.002 | -3.021 | 60 | 0.15 | N | 003 
„0204| W| 1300 
5075 LE | 1148 
90.11|E | 260 
15.46 E | 2098 
20.461 w.|_128 
159.75 | W.|_87.1 
| 4.23 | W | 108 
22:20:25 03.0820 | 58008 !:2002 | sa 5006 |N| 002 ' 0.14 | W| 798 
92850 0408.20 50.000 % 1008 | £2 30.08[N {001 ‘20.47 w{_107 
05:28:10 04.08.20 | 59.000 | 0.000 | 59 0.02|N | 000, '_0.021 W|_131 
‘09:14:45 04.08.20 | 58.009 | 1.002 | 58 59.97N 001 '_0.14| E | 124 
"12:41:05 04.08.20 | 58.008 | 1.998 | 58 59.91|N | 001 '59.78] E | 115 
18:14:51 04.08.20 | 59.001! 3.001 | 59 0.06|N | 008 '_0.04| E_|_137 
12020 040820 |s0001 3750 | se o05[n | co2 '4400j © | 272 
23:06:30 04.0820 | 59.000 | 4.404 | 52 6000 [N| 004 "2067| E_| 289 
22:39:59 05.08.20 | 59.503 | 4.504 59 30.17[N| 004 3027| E | 268 
26.0420 05.08.20 | 60.000 | 4.502 59 5000 {N} 004 '30.12| E | 260 
Mıın9 06.0820 [59.008 | 3250! 69 5008 [N} 003 '15.01| E | 210 
164545 6.00.20 [en0on | 2001! e0 oo1[N{oo2'_002| 5 | 101 
20:03:08 05.08.20 80.001 | 0.746! 60 0.06{N| 000 14476 | E | 127 
20:26:28 08.08.20 | 59.097 |:0.401 | 59 59.5 {N} 000 ‘20.43 | W| 129 
23:39:59 *_09.08.20 {59.808 | 1.356 * 59 4837 1N| 001 |21.397 | W.| 798 
05:56:49 | 06.08.20 | 60.004 | 2.006 ' 60 _0.24 {N | 002 | 0.37} W | 26.8 
09:35:17 | 06.08.20 | 60.008 | -3.006 | 60 | 0.47 | N | 003 | 0.36 | W | 77 
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85,5 10093 6.044 | 2516 | 128 
35.0 | 10090 | 8.044 | 237.1 | 12.7 
34.010082 16.044 12256 | 134 
79.811075 | 8.844 178 | 148 
31.0 |1006.5 19.372 191.6 | 140. 
70.4 |1005,3| 9.372. 178:8 | 140 
ae.2 | 10037 [12.190 | 1676 | 138 
39.9.|1001.9 115.321 158.4 | 13.0. 
96.212985 | 15.321 198.7 | 142 
97.3] 298.0|12.198 | 1905 | 148 
95,3 | 909.11 4814 12208 | 144 
4210021 4914 | 1980 | 144 
95.010037 |_2882 | 1792 | 141. 
95.11 1006.1 | 2.682] 186.7 | 13,8 
95.3] 1008.7 | 2682| 230.2 | 127 
95.511010.4 | 2.682 | 236.2 |_127 
721 | 1012.1 | 4.614 | 232.2 | 132 
The complete Station-list is available at: _sdn2/csrreport. pl? project=SDN&session=19725&v1=10&v2=2 

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