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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2020

Science crew BSH Working Group 
Katrin Latarius ‚ Marine Physics, Chief Scientist 
Sören Joswig Marine Physics — 
Peter Löwe Marine Physics 
Simoe Freya Lommel_ Marine Physics _ 
Roswitha Velten Marine Chemnistry, Nutrients 
Simone Griesel Marine Chemnistry, Nutrients 
Lisett Kretzschmann Marine Chemnistry, Organic 
Elke Hammermeister Marine Chemnistry, Organic 
Christina Apel Marine Chemnistry, Organic 
Stefanie Schmied Marine Chemnistry, Radioactivity 
Klaus Becker Marine Chemnistry, Radioactivity 
Ship Crew Rank 
Denis Rowan ' Master 
Garvan Meehan * Chief Engineer 
Kenny Downing _ Chief Officer 
Paddy Kenny _2nd Officer 
John Sammon 2nd Engineer 
Paul Taylor ETO 
Frank Kenny Bosun 
James Moran Cook 
Tom Gilmartin Bosun’s Mate 
Tommy Grealy AB Deckshand 
Noel O’Driscoll AB Deckshand 
Marc O’Connor Technician 
Simon Colyer AB Deckhand 
Peter Joyce AB Deckhand 
Maurice Murphy Assistant Cook 

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