2 x 35 | surface water for the extraction of strontium-90 after the cruise.
One liter surface samples for the analysis of tritium after the cruise.
270 | samples taken at selected stations at great depths for the determination of
strontium and tritium after the cruise and of cesium and transuranic elements on board.
100-150 I surface water samples for the on-board analysis of cesium-137 by means of an
ion exchanger (KNIFC-PAN).
100 I surface water samples for the on-board analysis of transuranic elements.
Atmospheric Chemistry
Continuous trace gas measurements of nitric oxides (NO,x, NO und NO»), of sulphur
dioxide (SO»), ozone (Os), and of carbon dioxide (CO») by means of Airpointer (Co.
‚ecordum/MLU, S/N: 2016-590).
Remote sensing of NO» and SO»by MAX-DOAS measurements (Multi-axis Differential
Optical Absorption Spectroscopy, Institute of Environmental Physics, University of
Bremen, system of station Wedel).
Monitoring of current AIS signals in order to relate measured increased concentrations to
surrounding ships.
Organic Pollutants
Determination of polar and non-polar organic and inorganic pollutants as, e.g. pesticides,
chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHC), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and trace
metals in sediment cores and sediment pore water (Project NOAH-Synthesis).
Trace Metals:
Determination of metal concentrations in sea water and suspended matter. Sampling via
Clean CTD with GoFlo sampler or MERCOS sampler with plastic covered wire.