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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2017

ori water sampling 
Im] CTD [m] ' 
GNO49 : 58° 59.97‘N_ | 002° 59.93‘E | 137 bottom, 5 
GN048S! 58° 59.91‘N_! 001° 59.91‘E _! 115 ;bottom, 5 
GN048 | 59° 00.01‘N | 001° 00.04'E | 125 !bottom, 2x5 
GN047_; 59° 00.03‘N _; 000° 00.17‘E | 133 _ibottom, 2x5 
GNO046 : 58° 59.98‘ N _ | 001° 30.18‘ W_! 106 bottom, 5 
GN046A' 59° 00.00‘N_! 001° 59.98‘ W _! 78 bottom, 5 ; 
Bedford- date 
175nnn N 
a 270-271 29.08.17 | 02:36 — 02:54 
188 _— 3 272-273 | 29.08.17 ! 06:35 — 06:48 : 
16.5 | Cs/Sr/H3/TU_} 10 | bottom, 5 , 274-276 | 29.08.17 | 10.34 — 11:02 
16.5! Cs ii — 1! bottom, 5 | 277-279 | 29.08.17 1 15:14 - 15:29 
. 1 Cs 10! — ı 280-281 ! 29.08.17 ! 21:03 —- 21:32 
— 1 Cs/SMH3ITU | — | — | 282-283 |! 29.08.17 ! 23:17 — 23:32 

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