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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2017

Appendix 5: Station List 
Positions are taken at the beginning of the stations! 
Radioactivity: Cs = Cesium-137; Sr = Strontium-90; Pu = Plutonium; H3 = Tritium; TU = Plutonium, Americium und Curium 
Water depth corrected for draft (5 m}! 
water ! . 
nl [UTC] 
STADE |! 53°37.34°N ! 009°32.78E | 17 GS/STHBS/TU "08:17-09:35 
MEDEM 53°52.80°N_ 008°43.24'E | 24 CS/St/H3/TU "71:48 — 12:05 
EN023 | 54°00.11'N 008° 06,65'E ! 26 bottom, 5 CS/StWH3/TU 14:46 — 15:08 
GNO03A' 54°00.04°N 307° 10.08°E | 29 bottom, 5 CS/SMHSAU — 005-006 12.08.17 : 18:50 — 19:06 
GNO07 | 53°55.83°N 06°25.26°E | 27 bottom,5 CS/StWHS/TU = 007-008 12.08.17 ı 22:08 — 22:23 
GNO07A! 54°00.04°N 905°40.21'E | 37 Bottom, 5 nn CS/SWUHSMAU = — 009-010 13.08.17 01:21— 01:37 
GN008 | 54°00.02°N 004° 49.84°E | 42 ibottom, 2x10, 5 35 Cs 10 bottom, 5 ‚011-014 13.08.17 104:31=05:15. 
GN008S! 54° 00.02°N_  003°55.03°E | 46 bottom, 5 | 95 — «= bottom, 5 | 015-016 13.08.17 08:38 — 08:59 
GNO009 | 54°00.01°N | 002° 59.95°E | 42 bottom, 2x 10,2x5 1 12.0 1 Gs/SMH3TU | — bottom, 5 | 017-021 | 13.08.17 |12:24— 18:20 
ıGNO09A! 53° 24.75°N * 003° 30.75°E | 28 bottom, 5 2 Cs 170 022-023 | 13.08.17 | 19:07 = 19:20 
‘GNO09B | 53° 19.78°N * 004° 25.32°E | 4 "bottom, 5 ©. TI GS/SMHSAU = 1 024-025 * 13.08.17 | 22:36 — 22:59 
IGNO10 | 52°59.95°N_ 004° 00.01°E | bottom, 2 x10,5 „ Cs 170 026-029 14.08.17 01:27-01:39 
[GNO11 | 52°30.68°N 004° 19.52°E | zZ! bottom, 5 12.0 Cs nn 030-031 14.08.17 05:05 = 05:16 
IGNO12 } 51°59.92°N 003° 43.81°E | 2: "bottom, 2 x 10,5 6.0 1 CS/SWHSTU | 032-035 14.08.17 | 10:17 = 10:36 
GNO13 | 51°41.97°'N 02°51.48°E | £3 bottom, 2 x 10,5 5.5 Cs/SW/H8/TU | 40 036-039 14.08.17 ! 13:59 — 14:14 
GNO14 | 52°00.37N 02°00.46°E | 29 bottom, 2 x 10,5 3.0 Cs/St/H3/TU_ | 10 040-043 14.08.17 | 18:47 = 19:05 
GNO15_ } 52° 30.04°N 02° 30.07'E | _47 bottom, 5 Z Cs 6 = 044:045 14.08.17 |22:18 — 22:35 
GN015B  52°49.75°N 902° 10.24°E | 42 bottom, 5 — Cs zz — 046-047 15.08.17 101:16= 01:28 
GN016 |! 53°19.77 N 901°40.27'E | 32 bottom, 2 x 10, 2x5 11.0 Cs/SrWH8/TU | 10 bottom,5 048-052 15.08.17 05:17-05:34 
GNO09S | 53° 59.95°N_, 002° 00.08°E | 73 bottom, 5 0 = en 053-054 , 15.08.17 09:53 — 10:05 
GN017 | 54° 00.03°N | 000°59.77°E | 44 "bottom, 2 x 10,2x5 1 105} Cs 1 10. bottom, 5 1 055-059 | 15.08.17 14:07-14:20 
GNO017A 53° 59.99°N | 000° 19.74°E | 5° bottom, 5 11.0 1 CS/SMHSITU | = 060-061 | 15.08.17 | 17:18 — 17:88 
GN017S 54° 30.08‘ N | 000° 10.19°W | 61 bottom, 5 „— = ZZ 062-068 | 15.08.17 121:16=— 21:28 
GNO018A! 55° 00.00°N | 000° 40.13‘ W | 66. bottom. 5 | Cs 1 064-065 | 16.08.17. 01:07-01:20 
GN018 | 55°00.24°N | 000° 00.44 W. | 79 bottom, 5 2 Cs 1 bottom, 5 1 066-070 | 16.08.17 | 03:40 — 03:59 
GN018S! 55° 00.00°N | 001°00.11°E | 69 bottom, 5 115.0 | = 0 = 071-072 | 16.08.17 | 07:31 — 07:45 
GN019 | 55°00.02°N | 002° 00.05°E | 28 bottom, 2x5 "145 | CGs/SWH8/M U 1 — 1 bottom, 5 1 078-075 | 16.08.17 11:16 = 11:34 
GN019S | 54° 59.81°N | 002° 59.90°E | 24 bottom, 2x5 1712.01 — ZT 1 076:078 | 16.08.17 | 14:57 = 15:21 
GNO20 ! 55°00.01°N } 004° 00.09°E ! 47 bottom, 2 x 10,2x5 Cs 1 10 bottom, 5! 079-083 |! 16.08.17 | 19:37— 19:52 

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