m depth. Between 57° and 60° N the vertical temperature gradients weakens along the UK
coast due to strong tidal currents. The temperatures of the upper mixed layer are about 1 K
higher than last year. The calculation of the North Sea’s total heat budget will be done after
the final processing and check of the data after the cruise.
The salinity sections show a massive inflow of Atlantic Water (S >35 psu) from the north
across the 59° and 60° N sections via the Fair Isle Channel, the East-Shetland Shelf, and at
the western slope of the Norwegian Trench (Fig. 9 and 10). This tongue of Atlantic Water
narrows significantly at 58° N. At 57° N there is no Atlantic Water in the upper mixed layer,
out a small volume in the bottom layer. There is less salt in the southern North Sea
compared to the previous year. The total salt budget will not be calculated before the final
orocessing of the data and the analysis of more than 270 in-situ salinity samples for CTD
Fig 4: All stations done, a happy science crew!