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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2017

Time: UTC 
v Speecifications regarding fixed stations, ship stops for vertical CTD profiles and 
water sampling. 
Weather & Sea: TA = air temperature, Tw = water temperature at 4 m depth 
Tw and salinity data are raw data from the ships thermosal SBE 21. 
" Definition Cloud Cover ' Category ) 
0/8 Sky clear fine 
1/8 of sky covered or less, but not zero fine 
2/8 of sky covered ilne 
3/8 of sky covered partly cloudy 
4/8 of sky covered partly cloudy 
5/8 of sky covered partly cloudy 
6/8 of sky covered cloudy 
7/8 of sky covered or more, but not 8/8 cloudy 
8/8 of sky completely covered, no breaks ' overcast 
RA — Radioactivity, sea water samples are taken for the following artificial nuclides: 
Cs-137 = cesium-137; Sr-90 = strontium-90; H-3 = tritium, Pu = plutonium, Am = 
americium, Cm = curium. If no samplers are used, samples are taken from the 
Seawater pipe. KNiFC-PAN = 100 liter sea water samples for the determination of 
zesium-137 by Potassium-Nickel Hexacyanoferrate. 
Neuston trawl for for visible pollutions (e.g. paraffın wax and vegetable oils) 
at 3 kn speed. 
Watch table marine physics: 
00-04/12-16: Francisco (Kiko) 
04-08/16-20: Peter 
08-12/20-00: Sören 
Waich table nutrients: 
08-20: Roswitha 
Waich table radioactivity: 
00-12: Steffi 
12-00: Klaus 

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