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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2015

Station epth depth Tsur Ssur Spot ı Sbot-Ssur 
DD [m] [m] PC] [psu] | [psu] Ipsul 
GN037 €5 15.6 "2 2/4 3485 34.95 0.10 
GN038 ® F9 15.9 „0.0 5,9 0.25 
GN038A SD 5 16.0 22.9 1 | 34.47 34.62 0.15 
GN039 - 173 | 51 2 32.86 34.20 _' 1.34 
GN039S_ | - u! 1.7 | 8 .9  ' 33.92 35.11 1.19 
GNO040_ e 24 “0.8 5 13 30.16 _' 35.17 _! 5.01 
GN041 = 309 16.4 75 9 ' 30.45 35.29 4.84 
GN042 14.0 128 14.1 udn 24 _ 35.07 35.30 _'_ 0.23 
GN042S = 3 14.8 75 3 ' 34.78 35.22 _* 0.44 
GN043_ * ü 14.5 78 34.98_' _ 0.03 
GN044 - __ 106 14.4 ‚4 6.0 35.13 _0.21 
GN044S - “139 13.9 11 71 58 [| _ 3513 35.30 | 0.17 
GN045 10.0 175 13.3 „3 40 '_ 35.06 35.28! 0.22 
GNO045A - 127 | 45 2! 34.91 35.12 0.21 
GNO045B - I 21 2.0 | 0.1 34.90 0.08 
GNO057A vi 12.6 118 | 08 34.95 0.02 
GN056 E) 12.6 +22 ' 14 | 34.76 34.83 _| 0.07 
GN056B 118 13.4 10.6 | 9 '_ 34.97 35.17! 0.20 
GN056C | - [| _ *3 13.1 A1 | 0‘ 34.70 34.84 0.14 
GN064 - | | 142 12.5 „7 [|_ 34.80 0.03 
GNO046A 13.0 1 2.2 11.6 76 34.91 35.10 0.19 
GN046 8.5 ? 12.0 10,5 5 35.14 35.30 | 0.16 
GN047 - : > 13.7 78 1 |__ 35.15 35.25 ! 0.10 
GN048 - ‘4.2 3 3 _ 35.13 35.19‘ 0.06 
GN048S - "4 14.0 75 5 ' 3511 35.24 ' 0.13 
GN049 12.0 170 | +37 739 3 _ 35.14 35.34 0.20 
GN049S - ı 1 741 75 _ 5 '_ 34.75 35.26 ' 0.51 
GN050 8.5 | 258 15.2 71 | 1_ 31,98 35.15 _! 3.17 
GN050S - 265 + 3 31.40 35.22 3.82 
GNO051 “ ' ? 15.7 14 3 32.13 35.19 3.06 
GN051S - 155 112 8 4 0.49 
GN052 14.5 1 79 44.1 °3 578 35.35 0.32 
GN052S - ' ; 13,8 76 | 2 35.17 35.29 0.12 
GN053 ® 3 13.0 9.0 10 35.25 35.36 0.11 
GN054 11.0 110 “47 “0.8 * 9 ' 35.13 35.17 ' 0.04 
GNO54sS_ | - 122 2.9 7 2 35.25 35.34 0.09 
GN058 -_ 724 -0.8 >”8 35.09 34.92 -0.17 
GN062 ® 829 -0.7 179 ; 35.28 -0.36 
GN059 [| 85 [| 1118 _| 124 | -08 [| 183.2 -0.23 
GNO60 -0.20 
GN063 | - [| 409 [| 131 | 69 | 62 [| 3475 | 35.13 | 0.38 
GN061 11.5 350 15.5 7.6 7.9 32.73 35.25 0.52 
Tsur, Tbot: Surface and bottom temperature. 
Ssur, Spot: Surface and bottom salinity. Blue: Coastal Water <34 psu, red: Atlantic Water =35 

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