Thursday, August 20", 2015
W&S 06:00: Bit. 2, 80°, 1012 hPa, Ta = 13.4 °C, overcast. Tw = 13.6 °C, 34.66 psu.
Passage of Pentland Firth eastward bound.
W&S 10:00: Bft. 3-4, 140°, 1013 hPa, Ta = 14.3 °C, cloudy. Tw = 13.3 °C, 34.73 psu.
W&S 14:00: Bft. 4-5, 160°, 1014 hPa, Ta = 13.5 °C, fog. Tw= 13.1 °C, 34.81 psu.
14:00 — 14:19 Station GNO46A:
Secchi depth and CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, Pu, H-3.
16:29 — 16:46 Station GN046:
Secchi depth, CTD profile with rosette sampler and nutrients.
18:00: Bft. 5-6, 170°, 1013 hPa, Ta = 13.7 °C, overcast. Tw = 13.0 °C, 35.06 psu.
Southerly swell.
TN 16:50 — 18:50: Tow of the neuston net for micro plastics with 3 kn.
v 22:32 — 22:49 Station GN047 (Fladengrund Rinne):
CTD profile with rosette sampler.
Friday, August 21“, 2015
J 02:26 — 02:48 Station GNO048:
CTD profile with rosette sampler.
W&S 05:00: Bft. 5-6, 170°, 1015 hPa, Ta = 15.4 °C, overcast. Tw = 15.0 °C, 34.98 psu.
Southerly swell.
06:29 — 06:50 Station GN0048S:
CTD profile with rosette sampler.
10:00: Bft. 5-6, 160°, 1017 hPa, Ta = 15.7 °C, overcast. Tw = 14.9 °C. 35.05 psu.
Strong southerly swell.
10:34 — 11:25 Station GN049 (Utsira Grund):
Secchi depth and CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137. Nutrients.
14:26 — 15:02 Station GNO0049S:
Secchi depth and CTD profile with rosette sampler.
W&S 15:00: Bft. 6-7, 150°, 1019 hPa, Ta = 16.3 °C, overcast. Tw = 15.0 °C, 34.63 psu.
Strong southerly swell.
W&S 18:00: Bft. 7, 160°, 1020 hPa, Ta = 16.4 °C. overcast. Tw= 16.5 °C. 31.86 psu.
Strong southerly swell.
18:06 — 18:57 Station GN050 (Utsira Loch):
Secchi depth and CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, Pu, H-3.
21:45 — 22:19 Station GN0050S:
CTD profile with rosette sampler.