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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2021

19:10 Pa= 1021 hPa, RH=76 %, cloudiness: 7/8, stratus. 
03:25 GN051S 
07:23 GNO051 (west of Selbjörnsfjord) 
11:13 GN050S 
15:17 GNO050 (Utsira Loch) 
19:06 GNO049S 
22:07 GNO049 (Utsira Grund) 
Monday, July 19, 2021 
Weather Ta=12.9 °C, Tw= 13.9 °C, S=34.95, Wind 5.9 m/s (4 Bft) from 257° 
12:00 Pa= 1022.5 hPa, RH=90 %, cloudiness: 5/8, alto cumulus. 
01:33 GN048S 
05:01 GN048 
08:28 GN047 (Fladengrund Rinne) 
13:15 GNO046 
15:04 GNO046A 
Finally, the sea calmed down. We enjoyed time on deck with sunshine. 
We celebrate Peter’s very last station. 
After finishing our CTD station work, we started a test run for the vessel- 
mounted ADCP in the afternoon. We did 6 parallel east-west sections of 6 nm 
with a distance of 1 nm. It was finished in the early morning of the next day. 
Tuesday, July 20, 2021 
Ta=16.4 °C, Tw= 16.0 °C, Wind 6.0 m/s (4 Bft) from 319° 
Pıa= 1021 hPa, RH=69 %, cloudiness: 6/8. 
Heading for Bremerhaven. 
Meeting of the scientific crew. 
Wednesday, July 21, 2021 
Weather Ta=18.3 °C, Tw= 18.5 °C, Wind 5.4 m/s (3 Bft) from 320°, 
12:00 Pa= 1024 hPa, RH=66 %, cloudiness: 6/8. 
Scientific talk for everyone about the work done and preliminary results: 
‚Warum machen wir was wie und wo... 
und was kommt dabei heraus?“ 
21:30 Anchored at Blexen Road for the night. 
Thursday, July 22, 2021 
Weigh anchor. 
Passing Bremerhaven double lock. 
Arrival at Bremerhaven Fischereihafen, Labradorkal. 
Equipment stayed on board for third leg of ATOO6 to the German Bight and 

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