at night will anchor an<! show a light,
which may be seen by vessels making for the
(Not. to mar No. 20. 11th February 1870.)
tO. China Sea.
Kork oT f-rrnt Vtliiiia Island.
Information has been received of the loss
of the British ship Devonport, by striking
on an unknown sunken rock of the east
coast of Great Natuna island, during her
passage from London to Shanghai in Septem
ber. 1869
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation
1° SO' Easterlg in 1870.)
Devonport Rock. This danger is about
10 miles distant from the east coast of the
Great Natuna island, and in the neighbour
hood of deep water, 34 fathoms. It has about
17 feet water on the part where the Devon
port struck. From the ship the following
bearings were taken; Senoang island N.W.,
and Kamodi island S. W. by W., which places
it in about lat. 3 54' N. and long. 108
30' E.
Ct)inrfifd)f6 Rif fr.
»liitbc Jtlivpr bei ber >(Y1 OJrofr
Ta« Schiff .Tepcnpert' ift auf einer Hinten
Klippe, „Teeenpert tKert" genannt, im September
p. 3 auf Per Steife Pen l'enben na* Sbangai
perleren gegangen. Tiefe Klippe liegt ungefähr
ln Seemeilen pen Per Cfffüfte Per @rofj.
91atima unb ift utn .'14 gaben JPaffer umgeben.
Tie ¿teile, auf melcbe bae ¿duff ftief, trar nur
17' unter ffiaffer. gelgcnbe 'Teilungen tvurben
3enoang ,4aInnP NW, Kamebi OAanbSWzW-
Teinnaib ift bie tHreite3’ 54’ 91 erb, Pie Hänge
108 3(1 T|t Don Wreemci*.
(Hydrographie Notice. N<». 4. London, 1st February 1870.)
71. Japan — Nlpou. East Coast.
Fiietl llfflit on Kork Maud.
The Japanese Government has given No
tice, that a temporary light is now exhibited
from a lighthouse recently erected on Rock
island, of Simoda harbour, Nipon.
The light is a fixed white light, elevated
80 feet above high water, and in clear weather
should be seen from a distance of 14 miles.
The tower is in lat. 34 : 34 20 N.. long.
138 57' 10" East from Greenwich.
(Not. to Mar. No. 22. 15th February 1870.)
Stiller Oetan — 3apan. — Ctthiiftr con (lipon.
JVcftco Vriicbtfcucr auf tHorf
Stuf Pem fiirjli* ju 9iotf ¿telanP ber 5imeP«
auf 91ipen erbauten Seuibttburmt brtnnt einfttreilen
ein fefte« ¡reifee geuer 80 be* über .<>e*iraifer
unb in flarem №etter 14 ¿eemeilen ireit ii*tbar.
ilreite 34'34’3u 9ierP. ränge 13s 57 10"
Cft Pen fi'reemri*