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Full text: 1870 (1870)

liden hole Aaret rundt Hive on sort Spit- 
stpnde. «1er paamales »Graadyb» og gives rod 
Stage og Ballon. 
Fyr-og Vager-Inspeotionen.den 3 d "’ I’ebmar 
(55. 56. ÜDîiïtbiiluiigcn bci ®otbbfut|<f>en itonfulatft ju fteorabagen.) 
Mediterranean — .Ionian sea. 
I.iglit anil Iiiiujs. 
With reference to Notices to Mariners 
Nos. Ill and 68, dated 17 th April 1806. and 
lH' h duly 1869. respecting the uncertainty in 
the exhibition of lights and the position of 
buoys in the .Ionian sea; information has been 
received that the light of (luardiana, Cepha- 
lonia, was on a recent occasion extinguished 
for two hours, and that tiie buoy off Cape 
Monda or Seala. had not been replaced. 
The attention of Mariners is again called 
to the above notices, and also to the caution 
engraved on the Admiralty chart No. 203. 
{Not. to mar. No. 13. l*t February 1870.) 
iHittrlmrrr. — 3onifd)ttf Hirer 
Veitchtfcncr tilth ü^ujcii. 
Tic Veucbtfeuet unb Tejcn im x soni)cbcn 'Tlccrt 
tint niebt jucerhiffivi; es ift fürjlii ter gall nor- 
grtemmen, bas bad t'embtfeuev pen Wuarbiana 
auf (iepbalonia jitei ¿timben long niebt branntc; 
iiutb in bie Tcjf bein’. Rap i'lcnba ebrr ¿tala 
niebt erfefit reerben. 
Mrr Méditerranée. iHtttrlmrrr. 
Iluli«ugi' ill*« liourlic* ilr '^ojctt iti her 'lU'iiifartuftraftr. 
La bouée qui signalait l'écueil le Toro. 
prés des Cerbicales. a été enlevée par la mer. 
L'écueil le l’iganetto, situé dans la passe 
de l'Ours, est maintenant signalé par une 
Tie Teje, irdibc tic ierefüppf per bu 'Béni 
ra tic (trafic bejeicbnetc, ift fortgetrieben. 
Pie «lippe Tiganettc in bem Tali de l'i »urs 
in burep fine Talc beiciènd trerben.

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