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Full text: 1870 (1870)

38. English Channel — Entrance. 
Trleerapli $liip. 
Notice is hereby given, that on or about 
the 1st ilav of April 1870, a Telegraphic Sta 
tion vessel will be moored by the Interna 
tional Mid-Channel Telegraph Company off 
the entrance to the English channel, in from 
55 to 59 fathoms water, in latitude 49 20' 
30 N.. longitude G 17'West of Greenwich. 
From the Telegraph vessel: 
Bishop Rock lighthouse will bear N. by 
E., distant 33 miles. 
Land's End will bear N. E. J E., distant 
49 miles. 
Lizard will bear E. by N. ^ N.. distant 
56 miles. 
Ushant lighthouse will bear S. by E. \ E., 
distant 70 miles. 
The vessel will be painted black, with 
the words Telegraph Ship in white letters 
on her sides; she will have three masts, and 
at the top of the mainmast a large black 
cone will be hoisted during daytime, and a 
powerful globular light at night, elevated 30 
feet above the sea, which in clear weather 
should be seen from a distance of 6 miles. 
A flare-up light will also be shown every 
15 minutes during the night from an hour 
after sunset to an hour before sunrise. 
During foggy weather, day or night, a 
bell will be rung continuously for half a 
minute every (quarter of an hour, and for the 
first six months, or until the 1st day of Oc 
tober 1870, a gun will be fired every quarter 
of an hour, and after that date, every hour. 
The Commer-ia! Code of Signals for the 
use of all Nations, will be used on board, 
to the exclusion of all other codes, and none 
other can be noticed. 
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 
23 Westerly in 1870.) 
(Not. to Mar. No. 10. 21st January 1870.) 
(Englifdirr fianal 
3xlcftr<tp()ctt = 3d>tff. 
9lmil. '31 tri! 1870 ctira irirb ein al? Telegra« 
pben « Station bienenbe? ¡fabrjeug een ber inter« 
nationalen f.'lib»ßbanne! Telegraphen«(Befelifcbaft 
at f 55 biö 59 ,laben iSaffer am (Eingang in ben 
linglijcben Kanal in 49 2tV3o' florbbreite unb 
6 17' iSeftlänge een (üreentrich unb in felgen« 
ben 'Teilungen ceranfert irerben: 
Tifl'Ct 9t o cf öeutbitburm N z O, öntfemung 
3.3 Seemeilen. 
iianb? gnb N O £0, Sntfernung 49 Seemeilen. 
4'iiarb O N O^O, Sntferuir.g 5ii Seemeilen. 
llfbant Ceucbttburm SzOJO, Sntfernung 70 5 ee« 
T," ¿ai -ug irirb febtoarj gemalt fein, mit 
ben 2'. r* ' legraph Ship- in iceifen Tuet« 
ftaben ? beO.n Seiten; cf trieb ferner 3 tWaften 
unb am Tel ;e? ®rcfmiaf}c? bei Tage einen großen 
fcblrarjen Regel, bei flacht aber ein belle? ¡teuer 
(fugeiförmige latente) haben, welche? 30' über bem 
tDleereefpiegel hoch unb in flarent SBetter 6 Sec« 
meilen ireit ftcbtbar fein wirb. 91uf;erbcm wirb 
trährenb ber flacht, ton einer Stunbc nach Sen« 
nenuntergang ab bi? eine Stunbe »er Sennen» 
aufgang, alle 15 flünuten ein ¡jlacferfeuer gezeigt 
Tei flebeliretter, e- fei Tag ober flacht, irirb 
alle Tiertelftunbcn eine №!ccfe eine halbe HJlinute 
lang ununterbrochen geläutet unb irährenb ber 
elften G ©lonate eher bi? tum 1. Tlteber c. alle 
töiertelftunben, fpäterbin aber alle Stunben, ein 
Ranonenfcbul gelöft trerben. 
;(um Telegrapbiren feil auöfchlieh lieb ba? 
neue internationale Signalbuch gebraucht ¡rerben.

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