Port of Alexandria.
The folio wiug directions, resulting from
a recent survey, for the Boghaz and Marabiit
passages into Alexandria harbour, have been
drawn up by Captain G, S. Nares, of H. M. S.
Newport, in connexion with Hydrographic
Notice, No. 1 of 1857, for the Port of
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation
6‘° Westerly in 18(H).)
The Boghaz or Central Pass is the
deepest through the reef, it commands 25 feet,
the narrow channel of 28 feet being only 30
feet wide.
Bound through the central pass irom the
westward, keep the Pharos tower well open
of Black rock until the Buheireh beacon is
just open on the east side of El Kot beacon,
bearing S. 84° E. (S.E. by E. E.); steer in
with those marks open until the El Fara
beacon is in line with the West beacon, bea
ring S. 19 W. (S. by W. J W.), then hard a
port to bring the North beacon (a low stone
tower with a dome top) in line with the knob
on the east end of the black Horn mark on
the coast, bearing S. 28 c E. (S. S. E. t E.),
which leads trough the deepest water between
El Fara and El Kot shoals to the striped
green and white buoy in the fairway of the
pass in not less than 25 feet water.
Bound from the anchorage seaward through
the Central pass, steer for the green and white
striped buoy at the entrance, and when the
North beacon is in line with the knob on the
east end of the black Horn mark on the coast,
bearing S. 26' E. (S.S.E. E.) steer with those
marks on until the lighthouse on Eunostos
point is in line with Abubakar islet, bearing
N. 62 E. (N.E. by E. | E.), then hard a-star
board, and steer out with the Buheireh bea
con just open on the east side of El Kot
für hie
tilth iWimtbtu Hinfahrt in hen
>><ifcn toon 311craiihrtcit.
(Teilungen ftnb mi fur. IDlifjmcifung 6 Sßeft
in 1869.)
T^r 'Begbaj- ober Sentral«T ö § ift auf
bem tKiff ber tieffte; fr bat 25' STaffer; bas entere
gabrreaffer mit 28' Tiefe ift nur 90' breit.
'Ton Tieften fommenbe Schiffe, irelcfec bureb
ben Central -Tafi geben reellen, muffen ben 'pbarci
Thurm gut frei Pom fchrearjen Reifen halten, bis
bie ühiheireb Tale nedt eben frei im Cften ben
ber & Hct Tale in S 64 0 (S 0 z 0 \ O) peilt;
airbann fteuere man, biefe Taten atii emanber
baltenb, ein, bi£ bie 61 ,iara Taft mit ber S'ieff-
ba!e in ber 'Teilung S 19 W (SzWJW) fiefc
beeft. SMer angefemmen, lege man bas Stüber
bart Tacfbetb unb bringe bie Sterbbafe (ein nie*
briger Thurm aus (stein mit einer ßuppel) in
S?inie mit bem Citenbe ber an ber Hüfte gelegenen
fchrearjen riern • 'l'carfe in ber Teilung S'jii O
(S 8 U .) O). Tiefe Sticbtung führt bureb bai
tieffte SBaffer jreifeben ben CI gara unb C! Hot
Untiefen binbureb ju einer grün unb treifi ge-
ftreiften Boje im freien gabrreaffer in nicht treili
ger ali 25' Tiefe.
Schiffe, lrefcbe bureb ben Central-Tafc auigehen
reellen, müffen auf bie grün unb reeik geftreifte
Tenne tu halten, bir bie ffterbbafe mit bem Cft-
enbe ber fchrearjen riern-iUarfe in Cina gebracht
ift uub bann in btefem Sllignement NNW \ W
fteuern, bii ber tieuchttburm auf ber Spike Cu-
noftoi über ber Reinen v \nfel ülbubafar erfepeint
unb N 112 0 (NOzO 4 0) peilt; airbann lege
man bar Stüber hart Steuerberb unb fteure mit
NWzW } W Huri ober bie 'Bubeireb - Tafe