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Full text: 1870 (1870)

Chester Bar black and white chequered. 
Air black, bell, with staff' and globe. 
S. E. Air black. 
Mostyn, No. 1. black. 
Mostyn, No. 2. black. 
Salisbury Middle black and white rings, 
with staff and triangle. 
S.W. Salisbury black and white striped. 
Salisbury Swatchway black and white 
South Salisbury black and white striped, 
with staff and cage. 
Great Salisbury black and white striped. 
Welshman's Gut red and white rings. 
Salisbury Bar red. 
East Bar red. 
Seldom Seen red and white chequered. 
Lime Wharf red and white striped. 
Cawdy red and white chequered. 
Deeps red. 
Flint red and white chequered. 
Bug, No. 1. red and white chequered. 
Bug, No. 2. red and white chequered. 
Greenfield Gut red. 
Elbow red. 
Bug, No. 3. red. 
Morecambe Bay and Solway hrith. 
Danger Patch black and white striped, with 
staff and cage. 
Two Feet Bank red and white rings, with 
staff and diamond. 
Isle of Man. 
King William Bank red and white rings, 
with staff and diamond. 
Gbeftev 'Bar ftbirarj unb treib aefebaebt 
Ülii fdjicavj, (Weife mit Stange unb fiuget. 
SE Mir ftbirarj. 
üJieftpn Br. 1. febtrarj. 
iRcftrn ¡Rr. 2. febtrarj. 
SaltJburj) JRtbbfe febtrarj mit treiben ¡Ringen, 
mit Stange unb Breiecf. 
SW SaiK’urt; febtrarj unb treib geflreift. 
Salisbury Stratcbtrao febtrarj unb treifj gefibaebi. 
Soutb Saliebuvtt febtrarj unb treib geffreift, mit 
Stange unb iilürfe!. 
©Veat Salteiiuro ftbirarj unb treib geffreift. 
2i>elfbtnan'e Wut rot^e uttb treibe ¡Ringe. 
Salijbuvo 'Bar retb. 
fiafl 'Bar retb. 
Selbem Seen retb unb treib gefibjebi. 
t'ime 'Bibarf retb unb №«§ ejeftceift. 
Gatrbft reib unb treib gefebaeft. 
Bee|)# retb. 
glint retb unb treib 
'Bug 3ir. 1. beegleitben. 
'Bug Sie. 2. beegleitben. 
©teenffelb ©ui retb. 
SIbetr retb. 
Bug tRr. 3. retb. 
ÜRorecambe 'Bai unb Seltran girtb- 
Banger 'Batet' febtrarj unb treib geftreift, mit 
Stange unb SBürfeL 
itre rfeet Banf retb mit treiben ¡Ringen, mit 
Stange unb ¡RbembuA 
fei lRan. 
King 'BJtffiam 'Banf vrtb mit treiben ¡Ringen, 
tnii Stange unb ¡Rbeml'Ur. 
N.B. The easternmost Salisbury bar buoy Bemerfung. Bie C'lUkbfte Salisburr Bar 
will henceforth he named »East har.« Boje trirb fortan ben 'Renten „Satt bar" erbalten. 
(Sol. to Mar. No. 107. 2Sth n.:C. 1869.)

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