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Full text: 1870 (1870)

£5. Victoria — Western Pori. 
Fixed light on Filmier* Jetty. 
Dictona. — tDritrrn port. 
JVcftc* ^ciicr <nif l*cr ¡flinberö 
The Colonial Government of Victoria has 
given Notice, that a light is exhibited from 
a lamp-post on the outer end of Flinders 
jetty (a small jetty north of West head), 
Western port. 
The light is a fixed light, white and red 
on different bearings, elevated 24 feet above 
high water, and in clear weather should be 
seen from a distance of 4 miles. 
Vessels anchoring off the jetty should, to 
avoid fouling the submarine cable, anchor 
within the red light. 
(24. 25. Not. to Mar. No. 106. 28th Dec. 1869 ) 
91 uf bem dufteren (snbe oon 
(eine fleine 9)lelc nörblicb ton 2Geft£eab) ift ein 
feite» J^euer errichtet werben, welche? je nach ber 
'^eiluiivi weift ober roth erfebeint 24' über &ed)- 
n'aff er beeb unb in flarem 'IGetter 4 Seemeilen 
weit fiebtbar ift. 
^abrjeuge, welche oor ber üJZole anfern, jeU* 
ten bie-5 im Bereiche bei rothen Gicbte? thun, um 
nicht een bent Iele$rai>henfabe( unflar ,ju fommen. 
©rrlin, gebrudt unb ju haben in bet ftfmglicben ©i^men Ober*£ofbud?btu<feret 
(Bi. »• Reefer).

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