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Full text: 1870 (1870)

that the Scroby Fork buoy has been moved 
one cable to the westward, and now lies in 
S'/t fathoms at low water springs with the 
following bearings, viz., — 
Gorleston Church tower West (northerly). 
S. W. Scroby buoy N. by E. 1 mile. 
St. Nicholas light vessel S. S. W. e /io of 
a mile. 
Also, that the Scroby sand between the 
Scroby Fork and the South Scroby Spit buoys 
having grown up considerably to the west 
ward and the sand being steep-to, Mariners 
are cautioned not to stand within the line of 
the buoys. 
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 
19'/a 0 Westerly in 1870.) 
Not. to Mar. No. 126. 
aQBaffer bei SprittgjeibDIieberwaffer, unter folgettben 
Wertesten Sircf)tf)urni SBeft (etwas itörblicf)er). 
S2£=Scrobi) Tonne DlgC, 1 Seent. entf. 
St. Diid)olad geuerfdfiff SS 11', 0,,-, Sccm. entf. 
Ter Strebt) Saitb, jwifeben ber Strebt) gorb 
mtb Siib Scrobt) Spit=Tomte, bat nad) SBJeften jtt 
bebeutenb äugenomineti mtb ift ¡ehr fteit, Schiffe 
»erben beSbatb gewarnt, nicht innerhalb ber Tonnen 
littie ju fegcltt. 
(feit, tni&w., 2Jii&w. 19 l /s 0 iOeft 1870.) 
England -- West coast — Bristol channel 
304. Red ray of liftlit from 
WanIi liiffli light Iioiihc. 
The Trinity House, London, has ¡riven 
Notice that, on or about the 1st day of De 
cember 1870, a ray of red light will be ex 
hibited from a window below the lantern of 
Nash point high lighthouse, in the direction 
of the Tusker rock. 
The light will be visible between the bea 
rings S. E. V* S. and S. S. E. 3 /* E-1 the 
centre of the ray passing about 2 ’/* cables 
to the southward of the Tusker buoy. 
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 
22° Westerly in 1870.) 
Not. to Mar. No. 128. 
dfitglnnl». — TOt|l(tii|lf. — JBri|lol ((anal. 
9lotber Sfichtfcbetn oom hohem 
¡Born 1. Tecetnbcrcr. ab feil au§ einem genfter 
unter ber interne be§ h°ben ieud)tthurni£S auf ber 
Spitje 9iaft) ein rotl)er 2id)tfd)ein gegeigt werben, 
ber nach bem Tupfer gelfen bin fällt. 
®ie§ iid)t Wirb jwifchett beit Teilungen SC 3 /*® 
unb SSC : V*C fid)tbar ¡ein uub fällt bacs Gentrutn 
beS Scheins ungefähr 2 1 /* Sabellängen fiiblid) twn 
ber TuSfer Tonne. 
(feil, mijjw., SDüjw. 22" Söeft, 1870.) 
England — West coast — Bristol rbaanel. 
365. Removal of wreck light 
near Solly inland. 
With reference to Notice to Mariners, 
No. 79, dated 10. October 1869, respecting 
the temporary exhibition of a light from a 
IBriflol (Tamil. 
(Entfernting bco îlSrctrfffiicro bei ber 
Stillt» 3nKl 
iDIit 2?ejttg auf bie DIad)rid)t für Seefahrer 
Dir. 232 pro 1809, betreffenb bie zeitweilige Übt« 
legung cincä geuerfdjiffcjS in ber Diähe beö SBracfb

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