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Full text: 1870 (1870)

Thames entrance. 
361. AUrration in tiiink li^lit. 
Also, that on or about the 15th clay of 
January 1871, the following alteration will 
be made in the character of the Sunk light, 
entrance to the East Swin. 
The present fixed white light will he chan 
ged to a revolving light, showing a flash 
every forty-five seconds, alternately red 
and white, of nearly equal power. 
Also, to distinguish the light - vessel by 
day, a half ball will be placed above the 
ball now carried at the Masthead. 
Also that further particulars in respect to 
all the above lights will be published. 
Not to Mar. No. 124. 
Jücriinbcruncj beo 2-unf getiero. 
3(tn 15. Januar 1871 foll am Sunt i'eucbo 
fcuer, ffiittgang jum ©aff Stein, folgcttbc 3lcnbc 
rung Borgenommen werben: 
Tai jefjige feffe, weifte getter foll in ein Trelp 
feuer Bcrättberf werben, basf abwechfelttb einen 
rothen unb weiften Stint, eon beinahe gleicher 
Vieh (flirte, ade 45 Secuttbcn geigen wirb. 
ßur Untcrfd)eibitng beS gettcrfdjiffi bei Tage, 
leirb eine fpalbtugct über ber am Top eeS SDiaftei 
befinblicficn Mttgcl angebradjf. 
©ent er hing gu Jir. 359 bis ')lr. 361. 9iä= 
beve Slngabett über biefe geuer werben feiner 3 e ' 1 
fast roast — l.onesloft. 
#68. Corlon Ciratway. 
With reference to Notice to Mariners, 
No. 78, dated 4th August 1870, respecting 
the contrac tion of the channel of Gorton (iat- 
way, Lowestoft, 
The Trinity House has given further No 
tice that, from the continued growth of the 
north-east part of the llolm sand, the gat- 
way is no longer safe to any but a small 
class of vessels. 
Also, that in case of any further extension 
of the present dangers, it will become ne 
cessary to discontinue the exhibition of the 
lights and close the channel. 
Not. to Mar. No. 128. 
W(l-fSu8c. — TomEatofl. 
<$orton WrttU'ci«. 
üliit Zeitig auf bie 9iadjricf)t für Seefahrer 
Oìr. 260, betreffenb bie Skrettgung bei Sanai* 
Sorten Watwan, Soweiioft, wirb weiter angegeigt, 
bap in golge ber fortgefepten 3 |l "ahme bei norb- 
üftlicbcn Thcili bei ¿eint SanbeO, ber Singang 
imfither uttb nur non lichten gahrgeitgett ju pafft“ 
reu ift unb wirb e-S noting werben, bei weiterer 
3unahme bie getter ju Ibidem unb ben Sanai für 
bie Schiffahrt gu fthliefen. 
lilt recast — 1 at tumuli rnads. 
303. .lllernlion in |i»Hi(ioii 
of .«rroliy Fork buoy. 
The Trinity House has also given Notice 
ffinglmtb, ©pkiipc. — IJatmoullj Hh cilf - 
SSerlrgtinft ber >2crobtt gorf ionite. 
Tie Scrobn gort-Tonne ift cute Sabeihinge 
nach TBcften gu »erlegt unb jWar in 8'/a gaben

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