Mouse light-vessel, just open southward
of Maplin lighthouse S. W. by W '/< W.
Maplin lighthouse S. W. by W. '/t W. 7 /io
of a mile.
Maplin Spit buoy S. W. 6 /io of a mile.
N. E. Maplin buoy N. E. by N. I’/io miles.
The sand at a distance of one cable E. S.E.
from the Maplin lighthouse, dries 3 feet at
low water springs.
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation
19Y* 0 Westerly in 1870.)
Not. tc Mar. No. 121.
®ie Sani fällt bet @bvingjett>9ttebrigttmffer in
einer (Entfernung sott 1 Äabeflünge OSO »otn
SOiaplin Vettrf)ttl)uvm troefen uitb ragt aisbann 3 gug
über SBaffer betucr.
(‘feil, migro., SWigro. 19 '/s 0 SPeft, 1870.)
fnilasd — East roast.
359. Light on Soutlier point and
alteration in Tynemouth Castle
Yard light.
With reference to Notice to Mariners No.
85, dated 20th August 1870, respecting the
exhibition of a fixed and flashing light on
Souter point and also an alteration in the
colour of Tynemouth Castle Yard light, which
were announced to take place on or about
the 1st December 1870
The Trinity House, London, has given
further notice, that owing to unforeseen cir
cumstances, the exhibition of the one and the
alteration in the other will not take place
until the 24th December 1870.
Not. to Mar. No. 124.
ffinglonii. — ©RltiiRf.
Vruditfnirr ouf ber 3yifer Souter unb
Srrnnbminq bct> .Dniteiitoittb
?|<«rb ¡Seuero.
yjiit 23ejug auf bie ‘.'Litri egten für Seefahrer
31r. 276 u. 277, betreffenb bie am 1. December cr.
crjolgetibc (Errichtung eine« fefteti getter« mit 2?tin=
len auf ber Spige «outer, foroie bie garbenuer^
imberimg be« Dtmenrouth Gaftle 9)arb getter«,
roirb hiermit befatml gemacht, bag bie ‘llnjmibung
be« getter«, foroie bie SJerattberimg bi« gum 24.
December cr. auSgefe^t ift.
360. Alteration in Coquet
Also, with reference to Notice to Mari
ners No. 108, dated 14th October 1870, re
specting an alteration in Coquet light on or
about the 1st December 1870.
The same authorities have given Notice
that that alteration also is delayed until the
24th December 1870.
Not. to Mar. No. 124.
&rr<inbming br« <*ocpiet geitero.
IDlit SSegttg auf bie üacbvicht für Seefahrer
91 r. 306, betreffeub bie gum 1. Decentber cr. m>r
gunehmettbc Serättberung be« Goquet geuer« roirb
angegeigt, bag biefelbe bi« gum 24. Decentber cr.
»erf (hoben roorbcu ift.