— 82 —
The light is a fixed red light of the Tic i'agc ift attgegebeit anf: C2° 2' 9iorb
fourth order, elevated 57 feet above the sea, 23reite, 5° 7' 50" Oft 9dnge won ©reenro.
aud in clear weather should he seeu from a
distance of 12 miles.
Position as given, lat. 62° 2' N., long. 5°
7' 50" East from Greenwich.
Not. to Mar. No. 129.
356. Light on Flaeviir.
Also, that, from the same date, a light
would be exhibited from a lighthouse on the
Yarholm, Flaeviir.
The light is a fixed white light, except
in the direction of Skiaggen, when it chan
ges from white to red every three se
conds, it is of the fourth order, elevated
56 feet above the sea, and in clear weather
should be seen from a distance of 12 miles.
Position as given, 62° 18' 50“, long. 5° 36'
30" East.
Directions. — Vessels from the south
must, in order to clear the Skiaggen, not
stand in before they have got past the chan
geable into the tixed light, and keeping near
the boundary between the two, steer direct
towards the light.
Both the above lights will be exhibited
from the 1st Angust in one year to the 15th
May in the next.
Not. to Mar. No. 129.
¡votier auf >?(art>ür.
SSott bemfelben Tage ab brennt auf einem
i'eud)tti)urm auf SSarholnt, glaeoäv, ein geuer.
<£$ ift feft, wei)!, mit Slubnahme in ber fHich«
tnng ttad) ©flaggen bin, in weither ber weiße
Schein alle brei Setunben mit einem rotben aP
wedffett: cd ift 4. Crbn., 56 gufj über bem 'Jliee
resfpiegel, bet itarer Vuft 12 Seein. weit fiditbar.
Tie ?age ift angegeben auf: 62° 18' 50"
2iorb Breite, 5° 36' 30' Cft Sänge ooit ©reenw.
25eliierfuttg: ©dflffe, welche ooit ©üben tour
men, biirfen, um twn ©flüggen frei ju fotnmen,
nicht eher hweinhalten, bis fic Seit mechfelnben
ffichtfdjein paffirt haben uttb in ben ©djein beb
feften Jeuerb gelangen, worauf fic längs ber
©renge beiber 2id>tfchcine birect auf bab Jener 311=
fteuern formen.
25emerfung 31t 9er. 355 uttb 356. Treibe
geuer brennen nur in ber ßeit bont 1. 2luguft bis
15. SDlai.
England — East roust.
35?. Buoy on Smith knoll.
With reference to Notice to Mariners No.
78, dated 4th August 1870, respecting pla
cing a buoy on the south end of the shoal
part of Smith knoll, off the coast of Nor
folk: —
The Trinity House, London, has given
further Notice, that the buoy is now placed
in position.
(Enßltuiü. — ©(lltüßr.
Tontic auf 2mitb fiiioll.
3tuf bem füblidjen flianbe beb flad)ften TfleilS
beb ©mitb fnell, an ber Säfte non 9!orfoif, ift
bie in ber 9fad;rid)t für Seefahrer dir. 259 be>
3eid)nete Tonne aubgelegt.
(Sb ift eine große, ftumpfe Tonne, fchwarj ge--
malt, mit ©tauge unb Singel nnb liegt auf 4’,4
gaben Blaffer bei ©priugjeit = 'Jiiebrigmaffer unb
3ioar O'/aii, 7 ©eem. bott ber äBinterton 'Jiibge