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Full text: 1870 (1870)

— 78 — 
A fog-boll, to be rung by machinery, and 
arranged for being struck at uniform’ inter 
vals of ten (10) seconds, is placed at the 
eastern side of the light-house, and will be 
kept in operation during fogs and thick 
New Point Comfort light (fixed white) 
bears N. by W., distant 5‘/2 nautical miles, 
and Back ltiver light (revolving white) bears 
S. by W., distant 7‘/i nautical miles. 
Vessels drawing over 24 feet of water 
should not approach the light-house on the 
eastern side nearer than one-half (*/2) mile. 
Vessels drawing not over 18 feet water 
may approach the light - house on the east 
side within */i mile, and on the south and 
southwest within 3 /* mile; and vessels drawing 
not over 14 feet, may pass over the shoal 
to the northwestward of the light within '/i 
mile, but not farther distant than 2'/a miles. 
Notice is also hereby given, that the fog- 
bell at Wolf Trap light-bouse strikes at 
uniform intervals of fifteen (15) seconds, in 
stead of ten (10) seconds, as published in 
Notice to Mariners No. 89. 
Not. to Mar. No. 113. 
beS Seud)ttf)iivm§ errietet uttb wirb bet Diebel unb 
bitfent Setter itt Tpätigfeit gehalten werben. 
Diclo Point Comfort Jener (feft, weiß) peilt 
DljSB, ö'/i ©eent. entf. unb ¡Bad Dlioer Jener 
(weißes Trebfetter) peilt ©ä3B, 7'A ©eent. entf. 
©d)iffe, mit einem Tiefgänge non über 24 ', biirfett 
ftcf) bcitt 8eudfttl)urm an ber öfllidjen ©eite tiid)t 
mel)r als l /s ©eem. nähern. 
©ebiffe, mit einem Tiefgänge non niept über 
18', tonnen fiep bem Pempttburm auf ber öftlidjen 
©eite bis ju ’/•» ©eem., an ber fiiblidfen unb füb= 
weftlicpen bis 311 ’/« ©eem. nähern unb ©ebiffe, mit 
niept über 14' Tiefgang, fönnen über bic Untiefe 
norbteeftlid) notn Seudjttburm '/* ©eem. ab, aber 
nicht loeiter als 2'/a ©eent. geben. 
Jerner lnirb befannt gemacht, baß bie Diebel* 
glndc auf bem ¡Solf Trap Veucpttbunu in gleidp 
mäßigen Jnternallen non 15 ©ecunbett ertönt unb 
nid)t in 10 ©ecunbett, tnie itt bett Diacbr. f. ©eef. 
Dir. 314 angegeben ¡ft. 
(Steigt. 'Jcacpr. f. irret. SRi. 313. 1870.) 
lolled States of tmrrira — Coast of California. 
353. LigliPHmitip at Point- 
llojos. California. 
Notice is hereby given, that a revol 
ving (scintillating) white light, of the 
first order of the system of Fresnel, will he 
exhibited for the first time on the evening 
of December 1, 1870, and on everv evening 
thereafter, from sunset to sunrise, from the 
tower recently erected on Point Keyes, Ca 
lifornia. The intervals between flashes are 
five seconds each. 
The tower is 23 feet 2 1 /« inches in height 
from the base to the focal plane, built of 
iron, painted white, and is situated on the 
steep slope of the Bluff Point, about 200 
Bereinigte Staaten mnt America. — (f nlifornirn. 
Stctiditfeucr ntif Per ©vifer 5irfecs. 
Gin weißes gunfelfeuer, 1. Crbnuttg, nad) 
grcSnefftpem ©nftem, wirb notn 1. Tecember er. 
ab auf beut auf ber ©pipe Diene«, (Kalifornien, 
neuerbauten Peucbttpurm brennen. Tie OmifcpcH 
räume gmifdgit beit ¡Blinfen betragen jebeStttal 5 
Ter Tburm ift 22' 2y»" bod) non ber 33afiS 
bis jur gocabGbene, aus Gifen erbaut, weiß ge* 
malt unb fiept auf betn fteilen Dlbpattge beS ¡Bluff 
¡Point, ungefähr 583 ‘ rpeinl. (200 D)arbS) non bem 
äußeren Dlanbe. Tie ftuppel ber Patente ift rotb 
gemalt, ber übrige Tbeil weiß. 
TaS Jener ift 273' über bem mittleren SBaf* 
ferftanbe unb wirb bet gewöhnlichem ^uftattbe ber

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