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Full text: 1870 (1870)

341. Sunken rock* in Bay 
of Plenty. 
Also, that a dangerous rocky patch with 
about ft feet on it at low water springs has 
been discovered in the fairway of vessels 
passing between Motiti island and Astrolabe 
reef, hound to or from Tauranga. 
The patch extends about 200 feet, and 
from it Mongonui hill bears S. W. by W. '/« 
W., 9 3 / 4 miles, and north point of Motiti 
island E. by S. 2'/ 4 miles. 
Also, a rock about three quarters of a 
mile N. by E. ’/ 4 E. from Schooner rocks, 
has been seen breaking. 
( All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 
14 s /« 0 Easterly in 1870.) 
Not. to Mar. No. 80. 
Untiefe in 6er ^Menttt S8ai. 
(Sitte gefährliche Stippe, 5 Juf unter S?affcr bei 
©pringgettWiebrigWaffer, ift in bem gabriBaffer grob 
{eher, ¿er Jupel Wotitt unb bem Slftrobalc iltiff auf 
bem Surfe nach Tauranga entbccft roorbeit. 
33on biefem 9tiff, baS fief) ungefähr 200 fjuf} 
auSbehnt, peilt: 
Saerg SDiongoitui ©SOJjSB'/i'®, 9 s / 4 ©ccm. entfernt. 
Siorbfpihe ber jmfelWotitiOg©, 2'/4 Seem. entfernt. 
Ungefähr 3 / 4 Seemeile HgO'/rO Bon ben ©cboo« 
ner Reifen fab man eine Untiefe, auf luelcfjer 
Sranbung ftanb. 
(fleil. mijsro., Wifro. 14 3 /* 0 Oft 1870.) 
><•« Zealand Hhldle islam!. 
343. R«‘vol\¡nip ligflit «11 Cape* 
With reference to Notice to Mariners, 
No. 61, dated 26th August 1869, respecting 
the proposed establishment of a light on Cape 
Campbell, south side of the eastern entrance 
to Cook strait, — 
The Government of New Zealand has 
given Notice, that from the 1st day of August 
1870, a light would be exhibited from a light 
house recently erected on the cape. 
The ligt is a revolving white light, at 
taining its greatest brilliancy every minute, 
elevated 155 feet above high water, and in 
clear weather should be seen from a distance 
of 19 miles. 
The illuminating apparatus is dioptric or 
by lenses, of the second order. 
The tower, 73 feet high, is a wooden 
structure, painted with alternate bands of 
red and white. Is it situated on a knoll at 
the extremity of Cape Campbell, in lat. 41 0 
43' 15" S., long. 174° 18' 30" E. 
Not. to Mar. No. 118. 
tlcii-SerlaiiD Hlittlm ¿Infclit. 
XU-cbfciicv auf l*ay Gampb.ll. 
Wit 3?ejug auf bic iVfanntmacfnmg 'Hr. 198 
com 3<il) rc 1869, betreffenb bie Errichtung eines 
Veudfttf)urmçs auf Cap Campbell, an ber ©itbfeite 
beS öftlicfjen Eingangs ber Coot Strafe, wirb au« 
gegeigt, baf ber Seiidjtthurm auf bem Eap erbaut 
ift uub feit bem 1. Sluguft er. ein loeifcS Tretp 
feuer geigt, baS feinen gröften ©lang j - be Winute 
erreicht: eS ift 155' über .’pecljwaffer uub bei fla« 
rer îuft 19 ©ccm. roeit fidjtbar. 
iinfenapparat 2. ¡Crbii. 
®er Thurm beftept aus einem .fjolgbau, ift 
73' poch uub mit abioechfclnb roll) uub tceifen 
©(reifen gemalt. 
Er fteht auf einem fleineu .V)iigel beS UforfprungS 
Bon Gap Campbell in 41° 43' 15" ©iib iVite, 
174° 18' 30" Cft Hänge Bon Wrecmo.

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