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Full text: 1870 (1870)

331. Fixed light on C'ara- 
qnette island. 
Also, that during the season of naviga 
tion, a light is exhibited from a lighthouse 
recently erected on the west end of (Jara- 
quette island, south side of Ghaleur bay. 
The light is a fixed white light, elevated 
52 feet above high water, and in clear wea 
ther should be seen from a distance of 14 
The illuminating apparatus is catoptric or 
by reflectors. 
The tower, 48 feet high, is a square woo 
den frame building, attached to the keeper's 
dwelling, both painted white. Position, lat. 
47° 49' 40" N., long. 64° 53' W. 
Not. to Mar. No. 113. 
¡Jeftc* Jyeitcr auf &er Gtaraquette. 
3£äßrcitb ber ©dpffaßrtdperiobe Brennt auf 
einem an bem meftlidjen ©nbe ber Saraquette gnfei, 
©iibfeite ber Sbateur Sfai, neu erbauten Ceuc^t- 
tburm ein geuer. 
©4 ift feft, weiß, 52' über .fpodpuaffer uttb bei 
flarer 8uft 14 ©eent. tneit fidjtbav. 
Statoptrijdjer aber 91cfIectoren=2lpparat. 
Ter Tijurnt befteßt and einem meredlgen ßöl« 
Jemen ©eriift, ift 48' ßod) imb ftbßt an bie tffiär« 
tertuoi)nung, beibe fittb meiß gemalt. 
Cage: 47° 49' 40" 9torb Sfreite; G4 0 53' 
iBeft Sänge non (Mreenm. 
Canada — Lake Huron. 
332. Fixed light on Lonely 
The Government of the Dominion of 
Canada has given Notice, that a light is now 
exhibited from a lighthouse recently erected 
on Lonely island, Georgian bay. 
The light is a fixed white light, elevated 
195 feet above the water, and in clear weather 
should be seen from a distance of 20 miles. 
The tower, 42 feet high, is a square wooden 
building, attached to the keeper's dwelling. 
Position, lat. 45° 33' N., long. 81° 28' W. 
Not. to mar. No. 114. 
Gulf of St. Lawrence — Hiramirhi rlrer. 
333. Fixed light on Portage 
Also, that a light is exhibited from a 
lighthouse on Portage island, entrance of 
Miramicbi river. 
(Tanabn. — f^uran Stt. 
¡feiles» ¡Jener auf brr VonelW ^nfel. 
3luf ber Conelrt Jnfel, ©eorgian 23ai, ift ein 
neuer feiidittßutm gebaut uub brennt jefjt auf beim 
feiten ein geuer. 
ß-5 ift feft, weiß, 195' über ber SSafferptße 
tmb bei flarer 9uft 20 ©eent. »eit fidftbar. 
Ter Tburin befteßt aud einem »ieretfigen ßöb 
jerneu CMcrüft, ift 42' ßod) unb fibßt an bie SBär- 
Vage: 45° 33' Dlorb Breite; 81° 28' ffieft 
Vänge een (Mmme. 
<*5olf St. Torrn;. — |tUritmid)t ritt)?. 
¡Jrtfeö ¡Jener auf ber 'Vortage 3nfei. 
'Huf bem ßcudptßurm auf ber 'portage gufel, 
SDüinbung bed IDlirantidji gtuffed, brennt ein geuer. 
©d ift feft, meiß, 4(1' über .fjoeßroaffer unb bei 
flarer Vuft 12 ©eem. tneit fisßtbar.

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