Golf of SI. Lawrence — fla*ilalen islands.
:*21k Fixed on Great
Ilinl roek.
The Government of the Dominion of Ca
nada lias given Notice, that a light is now
exhibited, during the season of navigation,
from a 1’ghthouse recently erected on the
Great Bird rock, the north - easternmost of
the Magdalen islands.
The light is a fixed white light, elevated
140 feet above the level of the sea, and in
clear weather should be seen from a distance
of 21 miles.
The illuminating apparatus is dioptric or
by lenses, of the second order.
The tower, 50 feet high, is a wooden
frame building, painted white, and is situated
on the eastern end of the rock Position,
lat. 47° 50' 40" N., long. 61° 8' 20" West.
The keeper’s dwelling, also painted white,
is 66 yards from the lighthouse.
Not. to Mar. No. 113.
03olf onu St. Torf»?. — ¿ihtgbalfn Jnfflu-
Jycftcö ¡feucr auf bem Wrcat 3$irb
9luf einem, auf bem öreat $irb Reifen, ber norb*
öfllidjften ber ÜJfagbalen Unfein, iteuerbauten Veudjb
tliurnt brennt jefct roäprenb Per Scpiffaprt?periobe
ein ^euer. (£3 ift feft, rceip, 140 über bem
llfccre$fpieget unb bei Rarer Vuft 21 @eem. weit
Vinfenapparat 2. Crbn.
Ter Tburm beftept au§ einem .{joijgeriift, ift
50 ^up poep, n?eip gemalt ur.b fleht auf bem oft
liehen '.Raube be$ Reifen#, in 47° 50' 40“ 'ikV.b
Breite, 6! 0 8' 20" SBJeft Vange pon (Mveemr.
Tie 5£ärterroopmmg, bie tceip gemalt ift, liegt
6G ?)art$ (1*2' rpeinl.) tont Veucptlburm entfernt.
flnilrur bav
:*:io Fixed i»{fhi on ibiupc-
hia«* point.
Also, during the same period of the year,
a light is exhibited from a lighthouse re
cently erected on Paspebiae point, north side
of Chaleur bay.
The light is a fixed white light, elevated
55 feet above high water, and in clear weather
should be seen from a distance of 13 miles.
The illuminating apparatus is catoptric or
by reflectors.
The tower, 40 feet high, is a square woo
den frame building, painted white, and si
tuated near the extremity of the point. Po
sition , lat. -I* 0 O' 50" N., long. 65° 14'
20 " W
Not. to Mar. No. 113.
( r |jnlcur Cai.
ÌVcfìco Jvciicr auf b<’r ^aepcbiac
31uf einem, auf ber ^aèpebiac 2pipe, an ber
uörblicpen 5eite ber CEbaleur ¿*ai, neu erbauten
Veiupttburin brennt mäbrenb b:r ScpiffaprtSperiobe
ein fteucr.
ISS ift feft, mei§, 55 Jjup über .^odimaffer, bei
flarcr Vnft 13 3ecm. weit fieptbar.
Matoptrifcper ober ÜReflcctoren Apparat.
Ter Tpurm beftept auè einem tiererfigen pöb
lernen (^eriift, ift 40' poep, meip gemalt unb be^
finbet fiep nabe am auperften Crnbe ber Spipe.
Vage: 4 S " 0' 50" Olorb Breite; 65° 14' 20"
iVeft vange псп (Чгсепю.