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Full text: 1870 (1870)

62 — 
given Notice, that the following alteration 
has been made in the buoyage of the ap 
proaches to Boston, viz.: 
All the buoys in Boston Deeps have been 
relaid. The buoys on the port side going in 
through the North, South, and Gat channels, 
are painted with black and white vertical 
stripes, the buoys on the starboard side 
remaining black, as heretofore. 
The channel north of the Scullridge Sand 
having become dangerous for navigation, the 
black buoys have been removed and placed 
to mark the channel South of Scullridge Sand. 
Four additional buoys with black and 
white vertical stripes have been placed 
on the South side of the Deeps between the 
Dogs Head buoys and the Bar Sand buoy. 
Not. to Mar. No. 119 
Me Tonnen int 21 oft on Teep finb tniebev an«- 
gelegt. Tie Tonnen, Wcldje beim (Einlaufen burd) 
ben 2îorb>, @iib nnb CoaTSanal an Bacfborb 
bleiben, finb fdjwarj nnb weiß fenfredg gcftreift, 
biejenigen an Steuerborb finb, trie bisher, fdtwarj. 
Ter Diorbcaita! »on ©cullribge Sattb ift für 
bie Schiffahrt gefährlich geworben nnb finb beê= 
halb bie Tonnen anjgenommcn nnb gur Bezeichnung 
bc® SiibcauaD oon Scnllribgc Sanb oermenbct. 
‘Bier Tonnen, fdjwarj nnb weiß fenfrcdjt ge< 
ftreift, finb an ber Snbfeite be« TeepS jtrifdtcn 
ben Tog« jjeab Tonnen uitb ber Bar Sattb 
Tonne hinjugejügt worben. 
Ireland — South roast. 
331. Title lisîli*. Ymiglial 
With reference to Notice to Mariners 
No. 78, dated 4th August 1870, respecting 
the exhibition of a tide light from a window 
of the tower of Youghal lighthouse 
The Commissioners of Irish lights have 
just given Notice that the light is now ex 
hibited, from two hours before high water 
to one and a half hours after high water. 
The light is a red light, visible through an 
arc of 18 degrees, or from N. E. by N. to 
N. by E. •/« E. 
By day, a ball will he shown for the same 
period of time. 
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 
24'/a° Westerly in H70.) 
Not. to Mar. No. 116. 
¿Irlanli. — Siiihii(lf. 
¡ylHtlvJyC'iiet' im fljumgbctl Ä*afcu. 
Jm 2lnfd)luf an bie Bcfanntmadjung -)lr. 262 
b. JS., betveffenb bie (Errichtung eines jlutbfeuerS 
in einem jyenfter beS 2)ougbal iieuebttburm«, wirb 
mitgetl)eilt, baß bas jener jc(jt brennt nnb jroar 
Bon 2 Stutibcu oor .podiwaffer bis 1 ’/* Slmtben 
nacbber. (S4 ift ein rotbcä jener, baS über einen 
Bogen Bon 18° ober oon OiCy.'i bis OijO'/iO 
bin leucbtet. 
Bei Tage wirb wäbrenb berfelben Qeiiperiobe 
eine Rüge! ju febett fein. 
(Beil. mißte., 2J?ißto. 24'/a° SSeft, 1870.; 
Kedlterranean — Bnnifario strait. 
333. Alteration in Hnzzoli 
inland light. 
The Italian Government has given Notice, 
IHitlelmeer. — ¡Sonifarto Strafte, 
fltcranbrning bcä jener* auf brr 
3nfrl 9iaf)oIi. 
Bom Dlajjoli Jeuu wirb jc-pt ein rctljer 2id)t-

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