lird sea — Bali-el-Jlundfh strait.
:*I5 Perim i*Kan<l light.
The following copy of a telegram from
the Bombay Government has been received,
and is published for the information of Ma
r A new light at Perim about to be set
up. During change the stationary (iixed)
light from the Aden light ship will be sub-
stitued and placed on the Hag start’ at Perim
about 150 yards due East of the old light.
This temporal*}' light will be erected on or
about 20th October, and be visible from a
distance of 10 miles. u
„A smaller light will be substitued on
the Aden light ship to replace that sent to
Periui. u
Not. to Mar. No. 112
Rotljes Bim. — Sirnfte pabri-Blanìirb.
Jyeui'i* auf ber ’Verini.
2luf her 3nfel i?crim foii ein neues Reiter er^
rietet tuerben. SßJäfjrenb bed SBedjfelS wirb ber
Veudgapparat ecm 9lben Jeuerfdpff mit feftem
Jyeucr an einem ^rlaggenftocf 31t ferini, ungefähr
150 ;7)arbS (450 rbeinl.i Cft (recijtro.j tont
alten Reiter angebracht, fom 26. Cctober ab brem
neu unb 10 Seem. iveit fic^tbar fein.
'2ltt Stelle biefeö tvirb ein flciitcè Reiter auf
bem ?lben tfcuerfctyiff brennen.
IMiillijiinr islands — Manila bay.
Dili. Temporary diMeoiiliiiiianee
of Itio Pasig light.
Information has been received from the
English Consul at Manila, that in consequence
of intended alteration in the apparatus of the
lighthouse on the North Mole of the river
Pasig, Manila bay, the light hitherto shown
therefrom would be discontinued on and after
the 11th of July last, until the completion
of the works in progress.
Not. to Mur. Nc. P4.
Philippinen. — Blnniln pni
Scitwei)e Siiiolofciniiifl be* $Jio Vaftfl
on ftolgc einer ant Veucfttapparat M Vcncfjt'
tburmS auf ber nerblicben SDJelc be§
Pianila 5Pai, tterjuuctmienben »Henbcruug, ift ba3
Tyeuer torn 11. 3uli b. bté 3ttr ‘&iebcrberftel
lung gclcfdjt.