Jleditrrranesn — Corfu island.
312. He - establishment of
l^efeliimo ligiit.
With reference to Notice to Mariners,
No. 95, dated 16th September 1870, in which
it was stated that on the 8th August last,
the light from Lefchimo lignt - vessel was
discontinued until further notice; information
has been received that the light was re-esta
blished on the 2nd September.
Not. to Mar. No. 101.
Jlonifdje Jinfdit. — Corfu.
'ИмсЬсгтци и binut beo gcfcbttito JÇpucrê.
T'ai 5 clier ÛU f bem öefchimo g-euerfchiff ift
am 2. September cr. trieber angeziinbet.
(93ergi. bic Befanntmachiing ')ìx. 266 b. 3®*)
I nited States of Amerira — Virginia.
313. Intnided houses
9in ClieNapcnke bay.
The United States Government has given
Notice that the erection of a screw-pile light
house, in place of the light-vessel now mar
king York spit shoal oft’ the mouth of York
river, Chesapeake bay, is about to be com
menced. It will stand within 2 cables of the
extreme eastern edge of the shoal, in 12 feet
at low water, a quarter of a mile West from
York spit light-vessel.
Vessels are cautioned to keep at least a
quarter of a mile on the eastern side of the
works, whose position will be indicated by
a light-vessel close to its eastern side, sho
wing a fixed red light, to distinguish it
from York spit light-vessel, which shows a
fixed white light.
The temporary light-vessel lately marking
the position of Vv’olf Trap screw - pile light
house in course of erection, having been mo
ved as above to mark the Y'ork spit light
house, the former will hereafter be indicated
by a red light suspended over the works.
Not. to Mar. No. %.
tferrtnigte Stnntrn спи ¿America. — tfirgimen.
C*rbtiui!iift cine* gfuebttburm* in ber
Gbefiipeitfe S8at.
Ter Bau einc§ £euchttburmi auf Schrauben*
Pfeilern an Stelle bei T^euevfcbiffefii, bai je$t bie
?)orf fpit Untiefe an ber $ШйпЬипд bei fylufiei
9)orf, (Spefapeafc Bai, bezeichnet?, rcirb beginnen.
(Sr irirb innerhalb 2 Kabellängen con bem òftlid}*
ften fRanbe ber Untiefe in 12 gu§ ©affé* bei
Webrigroaffer, ' ч 2eem. mefitici) pom 7)orf fpit
fteuerf(i)iff ftehen.
2diiffe miiffen fidj wenigfteni 1 /a 2eem. auf
ber eftlichen 2eite non ber Banftclle halten, meid)?
burch ein ^euerjduff bezeichnet trirb, bai zur Un*
terftpeibung reti betn \>)erf fpit ^yeucrfcbiff mit feftem
treipem Vicht ein feftei rotpei fuhren rnirb.
Tai prcPiforifche iyeuerfchiff, bai bie Bauftelie
bei 2cbraubenpfcilcr Veuchttbimni auf 3Bolf Xrap
bezeichnetc, ift entfernt unb rnirb >ur Bezeichnung
bei ;7)orf 2pit Veudgthurmi rertrenbet; ber crftere
rnirb burch ein über bem Bau augebradgei rethei
Vicfg bezeichnet.