West roast — flilford haven.
310. Fixed leading lights
on Great Castle head.
Also, that on or about the 1st December
1870 two leading lights will be exhibited on
Great. Castle head, to facilitate the navigation
of Milford haven.
Both lights will be fixed white lights.
The upper light will be exhibited from a
tower 112 feet above the level of high-water
springs, and the lower light will be exhibited
from a window in the keeper's dwelling, 76
feet above high-water springs.
The two lights in line, bearing N. E. by
E. 2 /$ E., will lead between St. Ann’s head
and Midchannel rock.
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation
22 3 / 4 ° Westerly in 1870.)
Not. to Mar. No. 108.
Öritglnnb. — UJfphii|lf.
gefle tJiidituiigöfVim* auf @rcnt Ghtjlli*
21m 1. December er. folten auf Wreat Safile
peab j«ei 9itd}tung«feuer angejiinbet «erben, jur
Srteidjteruug her ©epifffaprt jum iüiitforb .pafen.
Seite Jener «erben fefte «eipe fein.
Da« obere «irb fiel) tu einem Tfjurm, 112 Juff
über .fpod)«affer befinbeit unb ba« untere in einem
Jenfter ber Scurterwopnung, 76 Juj? über 4)odj=
Die 9üeptuiig, beibe Jener in einer Vinic in
ber Teilung SlOjC 2 /sC «irb jmifdjcn ©r. Sinn’«
beab unb TRibepanucl Stippe führen.
(23cil. miß«., 'JJfifrtu. 22 3 /«" SBeft 1870.)
Adriatic sra — Coast of Italy.
311. Fixed light at Port
The Italian Government has given Notice,
that on the 14th August last a light was
established on the head of Castello mole,
Port Monopoli.
The light is a fixed white light, elevated
26 feet above the sea, and visible in clear
weather from a distance of 6 miles.
The lantern is attached to a red pole,
surmounted by a globe with a small metal
flag painted with the national colors.
The position of the light as given, is in
lat. 40° 57' 19“ N., long. 17° 18'43" East
of Greenwich.
Not. to Mar. No. 101.
^brintifdjra Jllftr. — lü|lf non ¿Hnlirn.
Jyifiro Jycucr int »nfrit iWonopolt.
2lm 14. 21uguft er. ift auf bem Sspf ber Sa*
ftelio üftote, .fiatcn üJlonopoli, ein Jener erridjtet.
Da« Jeuer ift feit rectp, 26 Juf; über ber
2)2eere«ftäcpe poep unb bei llarcr 8uft 6 ©eem.
«eit fieptbar.
lieber ber Saterne, bie auf einem rotpen Tfapt
ruht, befinbet fiep eine Rüget unb eine Meine me*
tatlene Jtagge mit ben 9?ationa(farben.
Die Sage ift angegeben in 40° 57' 19“ dlorb
Breite uitb 17° 18' 43" Oft Sänge bott öreen«.