River Thames entranrr.
303. Extension of Tlaplin Sand.
Also, that in consequence of the Maplin
Sand having further extended in a southerly
direction from the lighthouse, it is intended,
on or about the 1st November next, to place
an additional can buoy on the western pro
jection of the spit, and at the same time to
move the present Maplin Spit buoy about
4 cables E. N. E. of its present position.
Not. to Mar. No. 104.
ifhemfc liliinimng.
Btiobehnung bea 3Äapltn 2iinb.
Ta bev fNaplin ©anb fidj weiter in fiib=
(itfjer fRidjtung »om Seitcht.hurm auSgebehnt hat,
foll am 1. fliooember er. auf bent roeftlicfjen iRanbe
beS ©pit eine Sialentonne aufgelegt unb bie Üliaplin
©pit Tonne ungefäl)r 4 Sabellängen C3?0 »oit
ber bisherigen ©teile berlegt »erben.
Scotland — firth of forth.
304. Alteration in buoyage.
Information has been received from the
Commissioners of Northern lighthouses that
the following alterations in the buoyage of
the Firth of Forth have been effected: —
West Gurnet Buoy, West of Inch-
keitli, from red and white chequered, to red
and white striped vertically.
East Gurnet Buoy, West of Inchkeith,
from red and white chequered, to black and
white striped vertically.
Pallas Buoy, West of Inchkeith, from
black and white striped horizontally, to black
and red chequered.
Inch-Brake Buoy, off Kincardine, from
black and white chequered, to black and red
Not. to Mar. No. 93.
Sdjottlnnli. — ¿Firtlj of Jortij.
Bertittberung ber ¡Betonnung.
3« bet a^etonmmg bee gird) cf gort!) finb
folgenbe ißeröttberungen borgenomnten:
SSeft ©lionet ionite, weftlidj »on Jndjfcith,
friifier rotf) unto weiß gef<bad)t, jef't rotf> unto »eifj
fenfredjt geftreift.
@aft ©urnet Tonne, weftlid) »on gndjfeith,
früher rotf) unb weifi gefcf>act)t, jc^t jdpuarj unb
weiß fenfredjt geftreift.
Dallas Tonne, weftlidj »on gndjfeitf), früher
fdjwarj unb weih wagcredjt geftreift, jest fd)i»arj
unto roth gefdjad)t.
3ndj = 3?rate ©onne bei Sincavbine, früher
fdjwarj unb weifj gefd)adit, fegt fdjwarj unb roth
Scotland — East roast — Dornorb firth.
305. Alteration in colour
of tlie Tain bar buoy.
The Commissioners of Northern lights
Srijottlnnb. — <E>f!hiiflc. — Otirnotlj ^rirlQ.
¡yarbenucrdubcrtnig ber Sain Bur
Tie ro»he Tonne im Tain bar gahrwaffer,