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Full text: 1870 (1870)

*98. Beacon on the Nfaveren 
Also, that a floating beacon with red 
staff and two brooms lias been placed on 
the East side of the Naveren shoal in 5 fa 
thoms, it lies S. by W. */* W. 3 miles from 
Forness ligthouse. 
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 
147a 0 Westerly in 1870.) 
Not. to Mar. No. 111. 
>«rwaj — West roast. 
399. Fixed light near 
The Norwegian Government has given 
Notice, that on the 26th September next a 
light will be established on the small islet 
Bratholm, near Rongleviir, on the west coast 
of Norway. 
The light will be a fixed light, illumi 
nating an arc from seaward between the bea 
rings of East round by north and west to 
South; but in order to mark the southern 
channel entrance a red sector of light will 
be seen from seaward between the bearings 
of N. V 4 E. and N. N. E. 
The light, which is of the sixth order 
and 53 feet above the sea, will be visible in 
clear weather from a distance of 8 to 10 miles, 
and will be lighted from the 15th July to 
the following 15th May. 
The approximate position of the light 
house is in lat, 60° 18' N., long. 4° 48' East 
of Greenwich. 
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 
20® 35' West in 1870.) 
Not to Mar. No. 105. 
Safe auf bee Staoeren iSanf. 
(Sine 2?afentonne mit rotfjer Stange unb jtoei 
Pefen ift am öftiitfien Wanbe ber Waberen ipanf 
in 5 gaben SSaffer 3 Seem. S}3B7>‘® bom gor= 
nefj geudjtttjurm aufgelegt tnorben. 
(Peil. mijjro., Wlijjrc. 147»° SC-eft, 1870.) 
йоггоедеп. — HJfßhii|le. 
J?efìe6 ijouer bet Stonflleöar. 
2lm 26. September er feil auf ber fteinen ;Jn-- 
tei Pratbolm, bei Wonglcbär, an ber SPejifüfte bon 
Wormegen, ein geiier er neiget merben. 
©3 roirb feft fein, nad) See jit jmifóen ben 
Peilungen bon Oft über Worb nnb 3Beft bid Siib 
ieud)ten nnb pr ®ejeid)mmg ber ¡üblichen ©anal« 
©infaljrt itad) See p swiftben ben ‘Peilungen 
91740 nnb WWO einen rotben Webtfdjein geigen. 
Тай geuer ift 6. Orbit., 53 gufi über ber 
SDleereéflacbe boeb nnb bei tlarer bufi 8 bid 10 
Seemeilen tuet! fiditbar unb brennt nur bom 15. 
Juli bi§ pm folgenben 15. Piai. 
®ie annabernbe fiage be§ geuerd ift: 60° 18' 
91orb Streite unb 4° 48' Oft f'ätige bon ©irecmr. 
(Peil, mijn.’., Wliftm. 20° 35' SBeft 1870.)

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