— 46
lies in 4 1 /« fathoms, N. W. '/* N., about 5
miles from Seiero lighthouse.
A bank of stones, with 20 feet water on
it, lies 150 yards W. N. W. from the beacon,
and another bank with 18 feet on it, 400 yards
N. W. from the 20 feet bank.
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation
1574 0 Westerly in 1870.)
Not. to Mar. No. 109.
©itte tSteinban! mit 20 gu§ Soffer liegt 150
¿)arb§ (436 gufj rljcinl.) ¿¿¿¡¿B Bon ber ©ate;
eine aitbere mit 18 gu§ 400 ;j)arbb (1164 gujj
v^eittl.) Bon ber 20 gujj ©an!.
(©eil. mifj., ©tijjto. 1574° ¿lieft 1870.)
Croat Bolt.
396. Floating boaroiiM on shoal«
oil llmnstie.
Also, that a floating beacon with a white
staff and broom has been placed on liomsoe
Klaepen in 4 3 /4 fathoms; it lies W. by N.
i 3 /i miles from liomsoe ligthouse.
And another floating beacon with white
staff and red globe has been placed close
to the S. W. side of the shoal extending south
ward of the island, it lies in 3 fathoms S. W.
by W. '¡i W. lVs miles from the lighthouse.
From this beacon, 50 yards N. E. by E., is
a patch of stones with 12 feet on it, and 00
yards from the 12 feet patch, in the same
direction, is another patch with 10 feet on it.
Not. to Mar. No. 111.
©ro))rr £5rlf.
'©rtfeiitoinu'ii nuf ben ¿Haufen bei
9t ontföe.
©ine ©afentomie mit rccijjer Stange uub Seien
ift auf :Homfbe ftlaepen in 474 gaben ¿Baffer P/4
Seent. ¿Byli Born iRonföe i'eiid)tti)urm aufgelegt.
©iue aitbere ©atentonne mit tnei§er Stange
uttb rotber Kugel ift bidtt beim @2B = Staube ber
fiel) jüblich Bott ber Jttfel erftredecen ©an! in
3 gaben ¿Baffer 1*/» 2ccm. ©¿Bj2BV»ÏB Bom
Oeuctitttjurnt aufgelegt.
©on biefer ©afe liegt 50 ¿jarbä (145 guj;
rbeitil.) 9IOjO eilte Steinban! mit 12 gujj ¿Baffer
uttb 90 ¿JarbS ( 262 guj; rfjcittl.) Bott biefer in bcr=
felbett ¿¡icijtutig eine jtoeite ©an! mit 10 gujj
(©eil. mijjto., ¿JiitjtB. 14y s ° ¿Beft, 1870.)
Railing entrances — The Ssnuil.
397. Fixed rod light ut Skovs
head liarbour.
The Danish Government has given No
tice, that from the 1st August to the 1st
January, a red light will be exhibited from
a lantern 13 feet above the sea, on the head
of the south breakwater of the harbour of
Skovs head in lat. 55° 45' N., long. 12“ 36'
East from Greenwich.
Not. to Mar. No. 111.
Scftro rotfjcö Reiter im 3fot>*bot>i'b
©ont 1. ¿lugitft bi§ 1. Januar teirb in einer
Vatcrne 13 guf; über bem iDieereefpiegcl auf bem
Stopf bc3 ¡¡¡blieben ¿BellcubrecberS bc3 .fjafenS
StoBi-boBeb itt 55° 45' ©orb ©reite uttb 12 1 '
36' Oft Bange Bon ©reemr. ein rot (es geuer