The light is a revolving white light,
excepting in the direction of the Spit End,
between the bearings N. W. */■* N. and W. by
N. '/< N., where it is red, attaining its grea
test brilliancy every minute; it is elevated
120 feet above the level of the sea, and in
clear weather should be seen from a distance
of 17 miles. The light is shut in by the
sandhills to the southward of E. by S.
The illuminating apparatus is dioptric or
by lenses, of the second order.
The tower is an open-framed structure of
timber, 113 feet high, painted in alternate
bands of red and white. Position, lat. 40°
33'S., long 173° 1' 45" East of Greenwich.
Note. — Vessels are cautioned not to open
the northern edge of the red light when within
4 miles of the lighthouse.
Not, to Mar. No. 89.
ben Reifungen 9?23Vi91 unb luo e3
einen rottjen Schein bat. ßä ¡ft 120 Jup über
bev SDieereSpdje unb bei ftaver Saft 17 Sseemeiten
weit fidnbar. SiibreärtS Mut ber Reifung Tj®
ift ba§ Jeucr burd; bie Sanbbiiget Berbecft.
Sinfenapparat 2. Crbnuttg.
Ter Tlnmtt beftebt nuS einem burdjbrodjenen
.^otjgeriift, ift 113 Juf; bodj, unb abmecbfelub mit
voll) unb roeipett Streifen gemalt.
Sage: 40° 33' 2üb Breite, 173° 1' 45"
Cft-Cänge non ©reemuid).
SBemertung: Schiffe in einem geringeren 916=
ftanbe at3 4 Seemeilen »om Seud)ttburm biirfett
bie nörbficbe Wrenjc bes rotben Siebtes nicht über-
East coast.
ЗОЯ. Fixed light он IVngget
Also, that from the 4th July 1870, a light
will be exhibited from a lighthouse recently
erected on the extremity of Nugget point,
south point of Molyneux bay.
The light is a fixed white light, elevated
250 feet above the sea level, and in clear
weather should be seen from a distance of
23 miles.
The illuminating apparatus is dioptric or
by lenses, of the first order
The tower, 31 feet high, is built of stone
and painted white.
Position, lat. 46° 27' S., long. 169° 61' E.
Not. to Mar. No. 89.
ScfiBÖ Seu*r auf ^>ohit.
31 om 4. ‘Juli er. ab ift auf einem auf ber
Spipe t’on Ofugget ‘Point, (üblichem Ibeil ber SDto*
(pueuy 3?ai, neu erbauten Veudutburm ein Jeuer
ßs ift ein fefteS tucißeS Jener, 250 Juß über
ber fDieereSfläcbe unb bei ftarer Vuft 23 Seemeilen
weit fidjtbar.
Sinfenapparat 1. Orbnung.
Ter Thurm ift aus Stein erbaut, reeip ge=
fhridjen unb 31 Jup hoch-
Sage: 46° 27' Süb 33reite, 169° 51' Oft
Sänge Bon Oireemoicb.
¡Dtarine-SDtiniilerium, фцЬгодгарЬОФ** öureau.
greibtrr oon 9ielbnЦ}.