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Full text: 1870 (1870)

West Indies — Triiiiihul. 
288. Fixed li«li< on Icacos 
Information has been received that on the 
26th of July last a light was established on 
Icacos point, the south-west extremity of the 
island of Trinidad. 
The light is a fixed white light, shown 
from a ship's mast-head lantern 39 feet above 
the level of high water, and ¡should be vi 
sible in clear weather from a distance of 
5 miles. 
The spar mast (painted white), to which 
the lantern is attached, is erected on the 
beach at Icacos, and bears East from the 
buoy marking the north side of Wolf rock. 
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 
2° 30' Easterly in 1870.) 
Not- to Mar. No. 92. 
Utr|l-glnbifit. — frrintiinii. 
Softe* J?citir auf fcor Jkacoo 2ptfto. 
33om 26. Juli cv. ab ift auf ber Spipe JcacoS, 
bem fübineftlidfen Slorgebirge ber Jnfel Trinibab, 
ein geuer angejüubet. Taffelbc ift feft, mein uitb 
befinbet fid) in einer 2d)iffb=Topp=Saterue 39 gufj 
über ipetbmaffer; cd ift bei flarcr Stift 5 Seemeilen 
weit fid/tbar. 
Ter glaggenmaft (Spiere.), an mclcbent bic 
Saterne bängt, ift mein geftridjeu unb flebt am 
Straube Bott Jcaceb, peilt STft non ber Tonne, mcl<bc 
bie Siorbfeite beb SBJolf greifen« bcgeidjnet. 
(fßeil. mijjtB.: Sttiprc. 2° 30' Oft 1870.) 
Hnidoktiui — West roust. 
289. Fixed lifflit at Jlang'alorc. 
Information has been received that a new 
light has been established since the 1st July 
last, at Mangalore, in South Canara district 
of the Madras Presidency. 
The lighthouse consists of a white tower 
65 feet high, whence at an elevation of 240 
feet above the level of high water, is exhi 
bited a fixed white light, visible in clear 
weather from a distance of 11 miles. 
The illuminating apparatus is dioptric of 
the fourth order. 
The position of the lighthouse is said to 
be in lat. 12°51'N., long. 74" 48'45" East 
of Greenwich. 
Not. to Mar. No. 99. 
^htbollait. — lUc(lkiiilr. 
¡veftrs» Seifer gu 3Äait«galorc 
Seit bcitt 1. Juli er. ift tu Sfiangalore, im 
Tiftrict Siib Ganara, ber Träftbentfdiaft IDiabrad, 
ein neues geuer errichtet. 
Ter Thurm ift «reift, 65 gttfj bod« unb geigt 
in einer epclm Ben 210 gufj über .£md)maffcr ein 
fefteb meipes geuer, baS bei flarer Sufi 11 2ee> 
tneilett »Beit fidjtbar ift. 
Tioptrifdjer Apparat 4. Crbmmg. 
Tie Page beb ScudUtbunnd ift angegeben auf: 
12° 51' Siorb Breite unb 74" 48' 45" Cft 
Sänge con Wreenmid«. 
Australia — (turrnslanri. 
300. Revolving light on 
Mandy Cape. 
With reference to Notice to Mariners No. 
¿AuRrnlien. — roittfitalititii. 
T'rrbfcuor auf ¿aubti (Sap. 
'JJiit IBegug auf bie STclamttmadjung 9ir. 72 
b. )?., betreffenb bie Grrid)tung eine« geuerä auf

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