35 —
Java sea.
‘¿73. JaNon rock.
Also, that a rock, probably that formerly
known as the Jason rock, lying to the
north-westward of Thousand islands, has been
sounded on by the master of the English ship
Tewkos b u r y.
The rock is described as being 40 feet in
diameter with 13 feet on its shoalest part and
10 fathoms around it. The following bearings
were taken from it, viz.: — Pulo reblakan,
S. E. by E. 7* E.; Pulo Doea, E. 7a N.;
and North Watcher, N. E. 3 /* N.: these bea
rings place the danger in lat. 5° 25' 30" S.,
long. 100° 17 ' 20" East from Greenwich, or
two miles from the position formerly assigned
to it.
Not. to Mar. No. 83.
|ftwit See.
3rtfoil ?{dcf.
Ein greifen, ber mög(id)erweife fdjon früher als
ber Jafoit getfen befaimt ift, nc-rbroeftlidj Bon ben
laufenb 3nfeln liegenb, ift Bott bem cttgliftljen Schiff
TeroleSburt) untnfu$t werben.
Ter gcljeu feil 40 gufj Turrfmteffer mit 13'
©affer auf bem fladjjlett Tt)eil haben, runb herum
finb 10 gaben Tiefe. Tie folgenben Teilungen
tourbeu non bemfclben ausgenommen:
s Pnlo 'fjcblatan . . . SOjO'j/O
iiulo Toea .... C/s'Ti
tmb 91orth ©otdjer . . . 3iO s /i9i
Tiefe Leitungen Bringen bie Untiefe in 5° 25' 30"
®iib 2?reite unb 106° 17' 20" Oft ränge Bon ©reen*
wirf) ober 2 Seemeilen Bon ber friiljer beftimmten
Sulu sea — ltnriiea - — N. E. Coast.
274. Hock oil' Nandiikaii
A rock lias been discovered by the com
mander of the Italian corvette Princess Clo-
tilde off tiie entrance of Sandakan harbour,
N. E. coast of Borneo.
This rock (Clotilde rock) rises about
10 feet above tile level of low water, and is
about 100 yards long N. N. W. and 8. S. E.
and about 20 yards broad. From the reek
Baguan island bears S. E. by S., southerly
9‘/ 4 miles, and Taganac island, S. by VV. Vs
W. 0 miles: these bearings place it in lat.
G° 0' 50" N., long. 108° 25' East.
At about 100 yards round the rock a depth
of from 8 to 11 fathoms was found.
Not. to Mar. No. 83.
Sulu Sec. - - Barium. — Uor!in[tltü(lc.
Seifen »or bem «iv.tbiifnii A>itfcn.
Titrci) ben Sommanbatiten ber italienifrf)ett Ger*
Bette Trincef! Glotiibe ift Bor bem Eingang beä
Sanbalatt .’pafetta, an ber 910.*itüftc Bott Sortteo
em gelfen cmbcift. Terfelbe (Glotiibe rod) ragt
ungefähr lo gttjs bei rfiicbrigmaffer über ©affer
f)eratt« unb ift itt 9191© unb £20 = 9iic^=
tuitg ungefähr 100 9)arb$ (291' rbeinl.) lang unb
ungefähr 20 9)arbs (58' rljeml.) breit. Sott bem
gelfett wirb gepeilt:
C'itfel Sagnan . SOjä, 9 1 /i £eent, entfernt,
Snfel Taganac S}© 1 /!©, 9£eem. entfernt.
Tiefe 'Peilungen bringen benfelbett in G° 9' 50"
91orb Streite ttttb 108° 25' Oft Sänge Bott ©reentoidj.
Ungefähr 100 9)arbS (¿91' rheinl.) runb um
ben gelfett ronrben Tiefen Bon 8 bis 11 gaben
275. Laurel rock. Vnurel 3iorf.
Also, that the position of the Laurel rock Tie Sage be« Satire! iHocf itt berjclben ©egenb
in the same locality is 4 miles E .by N. ’/•* N ift 4 Seem. Oj9iy 4 91 Bon ber itt belt gar*