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Full text: 1870 (1870)

Atlantic Ocean — Canary Islands. 
204 K«“-IO<al>ls**luniMit of 
St. Crux liiflit. 
Information has been received that the 
fixed red light at the extremity of the mole 
at St. Cruz, Teneriffe, has been re-established. 
Not. to Mar. No. 79. 
flcditerranean — Algeria. 
205. Flasliini; light oil 
rape Ivi. 
With reference to Notice to Mariners No. 
46, dated -'6th April 1870, respecting the in 
tended exhibition of a light on Cape Ivi: — 
The French Government has given further 
Notice, that from the loth day of August 1870, 
the light will be exhibited. 
The light is a flashing white light, Ha 
shing every four seconds, elevated 389 
feet above the sea, and in clear weather should 
be seen from a distance of "¿6 miles. 
The illuminating apparatus is dioptric or 
by lenses, of the first order. 
The tower, built of stone, is octagonal 
shaped, 76 feet high, and is attached to the 
keeper’s dwelling; it is situated on the middle 
of the declivity of Cape Ivi, 650 yards from 
the shore; position, 36° 5' 15" N., long. 0° 
13' 20" East from Greenwich. 
Not to Mar. No. 84. 
Camtrifrijc Jlttfdn. 
SSÜfbrrattiünDiiiui bco ¡ye tier о )tt 2t. 
Tab fefte rotfyc Jener auf bent fDfofenfopfc ju 
St. Gruj, Teneriffa, ift mieber angcjuitbet. 
Sliüeltitffr. — JUflier. 
®linffeucr »iiif ©np 
ÜRit 5?ejug auf bic 3?e!amttntadfuitg in bett 
¡Radjricbten für Seefahrer dir. 15 sub 132 toirb 
mitgetbeilt, baft bab Jener auf bcttt Gap Jti feit 
beut 15. Sfuguft c. brennt. 
Gb ift ein mcißeS ¡Btinfjeuer mit SMinfen affe 
4 Sefunben, 389' über ber SBJafferflädje hed) uitb 
bei flarer Virft 26 Seemeilen trcit fid)tbar. 
Ter öeuchtapparat ift btcptrifcf) ober mit Hülfen, 
1. Crbnung. 
Ter Thurm ift aus Steinen gebaut, acfjtecfig, 
76' hcd) uttb flößt an bie T'cävtcrreonnung; er ftefjt 
auf ber ÜHitte beb 2lbf)ang§ beb Gap Jtü, 650 
yiarbd (1891,5' rhciul.) t'on ber Stufte. 
Hage: 36° 5' 15" Oiorb '-Breite, 0° 13' 20" Cft 
Hänge reu Oreentoid). 
Ionian blanib — Corfu. 
2«в. Tt^iporary iliMConfiniinnce 
oT l.cfcliituu Пц1|(. 
The Greek Government has given Notice, 
that the Lefchimo light-vessel has been re 
moved for repairs, and consequently the light 
is temporarily discontinued. 
Not. to Mar. No. 84. 
¿toitifdje glitfrlit. — Vorftt. 
3cit»pci'fc Uiiterbrccbuitfl bco i'cfcbimo 
Tab I'efa'iinio Veucfytfcfyiff ift ¡¡Reparatur halber 
roeggenomnten unb baS jener jeitmeilig gelüftet.

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