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Full text: 1870 (1870)

a i 
The light is visible through an arc of 45 
degrees from the westward. 
The tower, 90 feet high, is of iron, built 
on three pillars; the upper part painted black, 
the lower part and pillars painted white. Po 
sition, lat. 45° 40' 52" N., long. 1° 8' 30" 
West from Greenwich. 
Grand Banc lights. - From a light- 
vessel moored inside the Grand Banc, two 
fixed white lights from separate masts, one 
elevated 34 feet above the sea, the other 23 
feet; in clear weather they should be seen 
from a distance of 11 miles. 
The light-vessel is moored in 8 fathoms 
south-east of La Mauvaise shoal in lat. 45 0 
39' 52", long. 1° 15' 51 " West. 
St. George a nil S u 1 z a c lights. — 
Brilliancy greatly increased; in clear weather 
they should be seen from a distance of 18 miles. 
Falaise and Pont ail lac lights, — 
will be discontinued. 
Terre Negre light — will be changed 
from a fixed white light to a fixed green 
light, obscured in a seaward direction from 
a line drawn through the N. E. buoy of the 
Monrevel bank, northward. 
Rickard light. — The fixed red light 
will be increased in brilliancy and exhibited 
from a tower 115 feet west of its present 
position; th<‘ light is elevated 105 feet above 
the sea, and in the direction of Tallais light 
it should, in clear weather, be seen from a 
distance of 10 miles. 
Directions. Vessels entering the Gi 
ronde by the Passe du Nord by night should 
approach by keeping the lights on Point de 
la Coubre and Palmyre in a lino until the 
light-vessel on the Grand Banc is in one with 
the Cordouan light, keep these two in line 
until near the light-vessel, which pass to the 
northward, then steering eastward until the 
leading lights of St. George and Sulzac are 
in one, which, as formerly, are to be kept so 
until the lights ofTallais and Richard are in one. 
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 
I'/a 0 Easterly in 1870.) 
Not. to Mar. No. 80. 
Vage: 45° 40' 52" 9?orb = 33veite; 1° 8' 36" 
Soft tätige Don ©reentDidj. 
©ranb 5^anc fetter. 2Iuf einem innerhalb 
ber ©raub V3anc Dcranferten Veud)tfcbiff jtrei fefte 
meißc 3' eucr ai, f üerfdjiebenett SDiaften; ba£ eine 
34', baS anbere 23' über ber 3£afferfläd)e fjod); 
bei fiarer Vuft finb fie beibe 11 Seem. weit 
Veudjtfd)iff liegt in 8 fabelt fiiböfiticf) bon 
ber Untiefe Va ÜJiaubaife in 45° 39' 52" 9Zorb 
Breite, 1" 15' 51" 95$eft Vangc fett Öreemrid}. 
£>t. ©eorge unb (Suljac 5 euer - Der 
©lanj berfelben ift oerftärft morben; bei fiarer 
Vuft finb fie beibe 18 Scem. treit fiefgbar. 
Jyalaife unb ^ontillac 5 euer rcerbeit ge* 
Tcrrc gre fetter ift ton einem feften treb 
§cn iyetier in ein fefteS griincS Doränbert, ba§ in 
ber SRidjtung nach £ee 31t Derbunfelt ift in einer 
Vinie, bie burd) bie norböftlidjc Tonne auf ber 
SDionreüei 25aitf nadj Worben gezogen ift. 
Widiarb $ cucr Der ©lanj be$ feften ro* 
tbcn 3-eucr0 mirb oerftärft toerben unb befinbet e3 
fief) auf einem Tfjurm 115' roeftlid) oon ber gegen 
wärtigen Vage; ba§ Vidit ift 105' über ber SSJaffcr- 
flädjc l;od; unb in ber Wicfjtung be3 TaüaiS geuer§ 
bei fiarer Vuft 16 @eem. treit fidjtbar. 
iBciuevfung. Schiffe, welche in bie ©irotibe 
bei Wacht burd) ben Worb*£anal eiulaufen, ntüffen 
bei ber Slnnä^evung bie Reiter auf ber Spipc be 
la Gcubrc unb ^almpre in Vinie Ratten bi« ba§ 
Veudjtfdjiff auf ©raub iPanf mit bem Gorbouan 
Jyeuer in Gin« fommen unb ntüffen in Gin3 gebaO 
ten werben biy nabe beim Veuditfdüff, welches 
norbmärtS 31t paffiren ift, bann ift öftlicü 31t fteuent 
bi§ bie WidjtungSfeuer auf St. ©eorge unb eul 
3ac in Vinie fommen, welche Widmung, wie bisher, 
beijubebalten ift, bis bie 3-euer Don XallaiS unb 
Ütidiavb in Vinie finb. 
('peil, mijjtt. Wüpweif. l 1 /* 0 Cft in 1870.)

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