Notice is hereby given that the IJuoy at
Saratago S|»it in tin- Bay of edo has been
replaced by one of larger dimensions.
The new Buoy is made of iron, painted red,
aud is surmounted by a cage standing if) feet
above the water.
Its form is what is known as a Nun Buoy.
Yokohama, 5th May 1870.
äftojc auf 3ar<tto$(t 3pit, 5$fit.
Tic Pole auf ber Saratoga 2pit in ber Pai
rcn Pebo ift burcb cine größere fpifce eifernc poje
evictt, Pie rotb geft rieben ift unb in ber |jöfje pop.
15' über Staffer einen Herb trägt.
Notice is hereby given that Two Buoys
have been moored outside the Bank of Ka
wasaki, in the Bay to Yedo.
The Southernmost one is an Iron Buoy,
is painted red, and is surmounted by a cage
standing 10 feet above the water. It is moored
in b fathoms.
Treaty Point bears from it S. -H degrees
W.; Kawasaki, N. 8' a degrees W.; and
Bansu liana, S. bS degrees E. Bearings
The Northernmost Buoy is also made of
Iron, and is surmounted by a cage standing
10 feet above the water. It is painted black
and is moored in b fathoms.
Kawasaki hears from it 8. 89 degrees W
the entrance of Nokogawa, N. 6 degrees E.;
Bansu liana. 8. 50 decrees E.; and the other
Buoy, S. 34'/a degrees VV. Bearings true.
Both Boys may be rounded close to the
Eastwards, and a straight course steered
between them.
Yokohama, 5th May 1870.
3$ojcn bet bev SBanf fiaiuafaft in her
jtyebo ?öat.
iliwevbalb von ber 3?anf Pen Hawafafi in ber
VJebo Pai finb jroei Pojen aufgelegt.
Tie füblicbftc ift cine eiferne rotbe Poje mit einem
Horb 1"' über Gaffer unb liegt auf b J-aben Tiefe
unter fotgeuben Teilungen:
Treat p ^oint 2 48° SB?,
ftamafaft 'J? h 1 /«"
Panftt Tana 2 b8° C.
Tie nbrblichftc ift eine eiferne fchtnarge Poje mit
einem Horb 1<*' über '¿Baffer unb liegt auf b J-a-
bett Tiefe unter folgenden Teilungen:
Hatpafafi 2 89°
Ter ©ingang poii 'Jtcfogatpa ?? b° C.
Panfu T ana ^ 50° C.
Tie anbere Poie 2 34 1 /* 0 &•
ülit ber Cftfeite tonnen beibe Pojcn in nädjftcr
Tiftanj paffirt werben, jtrifcfjen benfelben fann ein
graber ©ourS gefteuert werben.
(']?ei(. redjtro. - 9ttijjtP. 2" 50' SBejt.)
Notice is hereby given that on and after
the 14th day of July next, and until the illu
mination of the permanent apparatus, a tem-
Jvoiter rtuf ber 5>iorbfpitte turn 3tvojtm<t
im (Eingang tum »afeii »on s ?ia$afafi.
Pont 14. 'Juli er. ab brennt bie jur polienbmtg
beö befinitioen Veucfytapparatea a •? ben auf ber