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Full text: 1870 (1870)

Wolf Trap Slaoal, In I'lteaapeake 
Bay. between mouths of York 
and Rappahannock rivers. 
Official Notice is hereby given, that the 
erection of a screw pile lights house, to take 
the place of the light-vessel now marking the 
Wolf Trap Shoal, between the mouths of 
the York and Rappahannock rivers, is about 
to be commenced. 
Masters of vessels and pilots are warned 
to keep dear of the work, the position of 
which will be indicated by a light -vessel 
moored, close to it to the eastward, and sho 
wing a red light, to distinguish it from the 
Wolf Trap light-vessel, which shows a white 
It will be well for pilots and others to 
note, that the proposed screw-pile light-house 
will stand within half a mile of the extreme 
eastern edge of the shoal, in 13£ feet water 
mean tide, distant about 1 mile west from 
Wolf Trap light-vessel, and that vessels must 
keep to the eastward of it, giving it a berth 
of at least onehalf a mile. 
Due notice will be given of the completion 
of the work, and its characteristics. 
(Not. to mar No. 47. Washington, I). C , May 9.) 
Coast of California. 
Uglit-BioiiNe at Point Arena. 
Notice is hereby given, that a fixed white 
light, of the first order of the system of 
Fresnel, will be exhibited for the first time 
on the evening of May 1, 1870. on every 
evening thereafter from sunset to sunrise, 
from the tower recently erected on Point 
Arena, California. 
The tower is 100 feet in height from the 
base to the focal plane, built of brick, pain 
ted white, and situated at about 100 yards 
from the extremity of the point. 
in her (frbcfa: 
pca<-.-:*$ai ¡tmfcfcrit hcn 3Rutthiiit$en 
bei) tyovt mith s }Jounabüuuort 
3«r Srfegung i>« «euerfebiif«, ba« bie äSolf 
itiitt äpoal yoifcfSen ben Slünbungen be« gort-- 
unb SRappabamuxf. giuffes ijejeiefmtt, wirb ein 
ieuebttbuvm auf SehraubenDfeilern erbaut. 
Scfift«fübrer unb iootfen werben gewarnt, ftd> 
frei non bem begonnenen Bauwerf ju halten, unb 
Wirb beffen 8age burifi ein ^euerfibiff bejetebnet 
bas öftlid) bauen beranfett liegt unb jut Unter, 
toeibung bon Sßolf Itap.geuetfdHff mit neifjem 
üiibt, ein rotbeb Siebt ’eigt. 
Der neue geuebttburm eorrb \ Seemeile com 
öfttieben Sanbe bet Untiefe in 13J' bei mittlerem 
HJafferftanbe ungefähr 1 Seemeile »efilitb bom 
Sßolf Stap > «euetfebiff ftebeu. Stbiffe muffen nd> 
öftlii babon halten in einem äbftanbe bon wenig, 
nen« £ Seemeile. 
9!a<b BoilenSutig bei flaue« tritt weitere üad>. 
riebt erfolgen 
ITörMid] Stiller Ccean. - Kalifornien. 
Vciichubiirm auf Sircna. 
Bom 1. Btai 1S70 ab brennt auf gottu ’ilrena, 
lialifomien. in einem neu erbauten iburm ein 
fettes weife« «euer 1. Crbnung naeb «resnellfitem 
Softem. rer Spuvm ift 100’ hoch non ber "Ban« 
bi« jur yocal-ßbene, aus ^iegetilemeu erbaut, 
weif getrieben unb lieht ungefähr 100 Jiarb« oon 
ber Spipe bes Sap*. t>a« Siebt ift 158’ übet 
ber mittleren SBafferfläebe hoch, erleuchtet einen 
’Bogen be« .sorijont« bon 24i> unb ift bei ge. 
möbnfiefeem OBttanto & et Suft bom reef eine« 
Sebiffe« bei 15 ’MugeSbobc 21 Seemeilen weit

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