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Full text: 1870 (1870)

South Salisbury (can) black. 
Mostyn, No. 3 (can) black and white striped. 
Great Salisbury (can)black and white striped. 
Welshman's Gut (can) red and white rings. 
Salisbury Bar (can) red. 
East Bar (can) red. 
Seldom Seen (nun) red and white chequered. 
Lime Wharf (can) red and white striped. 
Oawdy (can) red and white chequered. 
Deeps (can) red. 
Flint (can) red and white chequered. 
Bug, No. 1 (can) red and white chequered. 
Bug, No. 2 (can) red and white chequered. 
Greenfield Gut (can) red. 
Elbow (nun) red. 
Bug. No. 3 (can) red. 
Morecambe Bay and Solway Frith. 
Danger Patch (conical) black and white 
striped, with staff and cage. 
Two Feet Bank (conical) red and white 
rings, with staff and diamond. 
Isle of Man. 
King William Bank (conical) red and white 
rings, with staff and diamond. 
Also, that no further notice will be given. 
(Not to Max. No. 58. 16th May.) 
âaliéburti Sn>atd>twu> fftumpf) fdnrar) unb 
treib gefebaét. 
South èaitéburt) (ftumbf) ftoaq. 
äJiofhm, 'Jit 3 (ftumbf ) fdm-arj unb ireij? ge> 
ffireat-Salidbum ffhiml'f) fehtrarj unb treift ge- 
iBtlfbman’r Wut (ftumbf) rotbe unb treibe 
Sali^burn Bar I ftumbf > retb. 
(Saft 'Bar (ftumbf) retb. 
Selbem Seen ffptti) retb unb iretb gefibatbt. 
Sitne SBbarf (ftumbf) retb unb n>ei§ geftreift. 
Saiebn t ftumbf) retb unb treib geftbucbt. 
Ceebe (ftumpf) retb. 
glint I ftumbf ) retb unb treib gefcbacht. 
Bug, 'Jir. 1 (ftumbf) besgl. 
Bug, 'Jtr. 2 (ftumbf) besgl. 
Wreenftelb Wut (ftumbf) retb. 
lilbeir (fbij) retb 
Bug, Br. 3 (ftumbfI retb. 
®ieretambe«B«i unb Solirati.grith. 
PangerBotcb (fegeffbrmtg) fcbtrarj unb treib 
geftreift, mit Stange unb SBurfel. 
îtro geet Banf (fcgeiformig) rotbe unb ireibe 
Binge, mit Stange unb SbombuS. 
v )nfel Bîan. 
King it'iiliam Banf (fegdfërmig) vetbe unb 
treibe Singe, mit Stange unb ¡Kbembue 
(îm* icntrtf Qtftnuitoai&tiBg rrfclat nié*. 
England. — East Coast. 
Alteration In Ihhijs, Лее.. Var- 
month and l.owrotoft roads. 
The Trinity House, London, has given No 
tice, that in consequence of the shifting of 
Cngtanb. Oflhiiflr. 
'iscrditbcnnifl boit itojeii jc. auf 
ben Yarmouth unb Voweftoft-- 
.gn golge ber Beranberung ber Sänbe auf 
ben 'Itarmoutb • nnb iiereeftoft-Bbeben finb fob

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