Beilage ¿um *Preufifcben
&aabt 18 > Strdjie, ^aftrgang 1870.
liad)rid)tcn für Seefahrer.
Ms 22.
England. — West feast.
Alteration of buoyage In
Hi, iifortfes, Or Irish, (liannel.
With reference to Notice to Mariners
No. 107, dated 28th December 1869, respect
ing the intended alteration in the buoyage
of St. George's channel:
The Trinity House has given Notice that
those alterations are now being effected, and
that the buoyage will henceforth be as follows:
Cardigan and Carnarvon Bays.
Patches (conical) black ami white rings.
Aberdovey Outer (can) red and white striped.
Aberdovey Inner (can) red.
Bweh (can) black and white rings.
Causeway (conical) black and white rings,
with staff and diamond.
Rhoseolyn (nun) black.
Holyhead Bay.
Clipera Bocks black, belL
Bolivar (conical) black and wliite striped.
Coal Rock (conical) black. with staff and
Victoria (can) black.
Ethel Rock (can) black.
Cnglanö. — ttlfftHürtf.
Beraubcruna tcr 'Betonnung im
2t. Wcorgo: ober vtriffcftttnal.
Die in ben iKacbrntten für Seefahrer »Kr. 3
sub 2b angejeigte 'Beränberung Den kennen ift
ieftt au^gefübrt unb ifl bie ¿Betonnung felgenbe
fiatbigan* unb (tarnarpen «'.puebf.
'^atd'ei (fegelfermig) febrrar^e unb »reifte
'Kberbepen Cuter (ftnniDf) retb unb »reift ge«
¿Mberbcoep v ^nnev (ftumpf) retb.
¿Bircb (dumpf) Ktivar^e unb »reifte »Kiuge.
(£aufemap (fegelfermig) fötrarje unb ivctüe »Kinge
mit ¿tange unb »Kbcmbur
¿Kbercelon (fpiß) febtrar;
(Slipera .'Kerfe fdnran, Werfe.
'Beliear (fegelfermig» fcbirarj unb »reift ge«
(Seal »Kerf (fegelfermig) frftran mir ¿tauge unb
'Bicteria (ftumpf) fcbiran.
Stbel »Kerf i dumpf ) »ebrrary