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Full text: 1870 (1870)

consequence of the intervention of the land) 
about 3 miles. 
The tower is square, 24 feet high, and 
painted white; it stands 117 feet from the 
extremity of the point, and its position is lat. 
4f) 36 40" N., long. 61‘ 22 0 West from 
(Not, to mar. No. 48. 29th April.) 
45 36' 40 SRorbbreite imb 61 c 22' Sßejllänge 
rcn (»reenwid». 
M|;li(-vessrl off the (>rr«l 
I’.assns rocks. 
With reference to Notice to Mariners 
No. 85, dated 12th November I860, respecting 
placing a light-vessel near the Great Bassas 
rocks, off the south-east coast of Ceylon, du 
ring the time of building a lighthouse on the 
rocks: — 
The Trinity House, London, lias given 
further Notice, that they have received infor 
mation of the arrival of the temporary light- 
vessel, and they have every reason to believe 
that she was moored in her position, and ex 
hibiting her light on or before the 1st April 
(Not. to шаг. No. 44. 19?Ii April.) 
3nl>ifct)rr Citaii. Cejjlon. 
tfciicrfdtiff bet beit ©trent fö 
i’lit SVjug auf bie ^efanntmaebung in '111. 25 
ber 'Jlucbridjten für Seefahrer sub 242 pro 1869, 
bic proüiforifd)e iluelegung eine« geuerfdiiffeS bi« 
jut Erbauung be« ileud)Uhurm« auf ben ©reat 
Saffa« SRotfS betreffenb, wirb mitgetbeilt, bafj biefe« 
geuerft^iff bei feinet Station angeiangt unb anju- 
nehmen ift, baf, e« auf ber beflimmten Stelle au«> 
gelegt unb Born 1. ülpril 1870 ab ba« Vicfcl jeigen 
3n Sît. 18 ber lladjridjtcn für Seefabret sub 165 pro 1870 ift ;u lefen flatt: St. t'amentin 
unb St. Tot — Dt. k'amentin unb Dt- Tor. 
üerlin, ßtbrutft unb ju buben in bet ftöntyltcbm ©«bunten Ober*örfbut^bturftret 
<!R. e. Ceder).

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