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Full text: 1870 (1870)

Maplin Spit (can) black. 
Maplin (can) black. 
S. E. Maplin (can) black. 
Black tail Spit (conical) black with staff and 
East Shoebury (can) black. 
South Shoebury (can) black. 
Mid Shoebury (can) blaek. 
West Shoebury (can) black. 
Leigh Spit (can) black. 
Approaches to the Colne and Black- 
water Rivers. 
Ridge (can) red and white chequered. 
South Buxey (can) red. 
West Buxey (can) red. 
North Buxey (can) red and white chequered. 
Wallet Spitway (conical) red and white 
rings, with staff’ and diamond. 
Knoll (conical) red and white striped, with 
staff and cage. 
N. W. Knoll (can) red and white striped. 
Bench Head (can) red and white rings. 
Eagle (can) red. 
Bar (conical) red. 
Priory Spit (can) red. 
Outside Buoys. 
East Shipwash (conical) black. 
Inner Gabbard (can) red and white striped. 
Outer Gabbard (can) red. 
Long Sand Head (conical) black, with staff 
and St. Andrew s Cross. 
North Knock (conical) red, with staff and 
Mid Knock (conical) red. 
Kentish Knock (conical) red, with staff and 
Also, that no further notice will be given. 
(Not. t<> M*r. No. 43. I8ih April.; 
SMatftatl ©pit (fpifc) fcbsmrj mit ©tange unb 
Safi S&oeburp (jhirapf) fcptparj 
South ©^oeburp (flumpf) febwarj. 
s Ulib ©(jeeburo (flumpf) febwarg. 
S&oebutp (flumpf) febtrarj. 
t'eigf) Spit (flumpf) fdjtrarj. 
Sugdnge $unt Seine unb 3$Ucftrater $lu§. 
SKibge (flumpf) rctf) unb wetfi gefdjarfjt. 
Soutl) 2$uj;en (flumpf) rott). 
©eft SBuret' (flumpf) ret$. 
9terii) 5*uren (flumpf tot!) unb treifj gefdjadjt. 
©allet Spitirat) (fpif) retbe unb weijje iRinge 
mit Siange unb fftbombuS. 
ftneli fpig) ret!) unb roeiff geflreift mit ©tange 
unb ©urfel. 
91 ©. Knoll (fhuupf) rot!) unb treij) geflreift. 
S?encb £eab (flumpf) retbe unb trrifie SRinge 
(iagle (flumpf) roty. 
93ar (fpi$) rctf). 
'fSncrp ©pit (flumpf) rctf). 
9feufjere SBojer.. 
®afl Sf)ipn?afb (fpifc) febtrar^. 
3nneT (ftabbarb (flumpf) roil) unb roeip geflreift. 
Cuter (ftabbarb (flumpf) rot!). 
l?eng Sanb ipeab (fpifc) fcbtpar( mit ©range ur.b 
©t Slnbrea&freu;. 
9lertb Knccf (fpip) rotf) mit Stange unb Kugel. 
9Rib ftnerf (fpifc) rotb. 
Kenrifb ftnetf (fpifc) rotf) mit ©tange unb Kugel. 
(Sine tpeitere 9lad)ticbt erfelgt niebt.

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