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Full text: 1870 (1870)

Shotley Spit (can) red and white rings. 
Stone Banks (can) red and white striped. 
Rough (can) red and white rings. 
Cutler (can) red. 
Felixstow Ledge (can) red 
Andrews (can) red. 
Platters (can) red. 
Beach End red, bell buoy 
Shipway and Swin. 
Middle Shipwash (can) black and white 
S. W. Shipwash (conical) black and withe 
rings, with staff and triangle. 
Sunk Head (can) black and white chequered. 
Heaps (conical) black and white striped, 
with staff ami cage. 
N. E. Middle (can) black and white striped 
North Hook Middle (can) black and white 
S. W. Middle (conical) black and wl.i'e 
striped, with staff and cage 
N. E. Barrows (can) black and white che 
East Barrows (conical) black arid white 
dVest Barrows (conical) black and white 
N. E. Bawdsey (conical) black 
S. W. Bawdsey (conical) black and white 
West Rocks (can) black 
N. E. Gunfleet (conical) black and white 
rings, with sniff and diamond 
Mid Gunfleet (can) black 
Gunflcet Spit (can) black 
S. W. Gunfleet (can) black 
West Gunfleet (can) black 
Swin Spitway (earn black 
Whitaker (conical) black and white rings. 
N. E. Maplin (conical) black. 
East Maplin (can) black 
©tone Banf« (ftumpf) rotb uttb reeii; geftreift. 
¡Rough (flumpf) totbe unb reeifje SRinge. 
Gullet (flumpf) rotb 
gelqftoro tlebge (flumpf) rotb 
Slnbrerea (ftumpf) rotb. 
Blatter« (ftumpf) rotb. 
Beam Gnb rotb, ©loefenboje. 
©bipreap unb Stein. 
Dtibble Sbiproafb (ilumpf; febreats unb reeift ge, 
© SB. ©biproafb (fpi|) febroarse unb reeifte Singe 
mtt ©tange unb ©reietf. 
Sunt £eab (fhmtpf) ('threats unb roetft gefebadft. 
iyeapj (fpi|) febrears unb weift geflteift mit ©tange 
unb SBurfel. 
St G. SJiibble (ftumpf febrears imb roeip geflteift. 
Stortb .Goof SJiibble (flmttpf) icbrears unb reeift 
© SB, Dtibble (fpif) febrears unb lreift geflteift 
mtt ©tange unb SBurfel 
9t (S. Barrore« (ftumpf) fincurs unb reeijs ge 
Gaft Bartoroa (fpi(j) fthreats unb reeip geflteift 
SBejl Barton)« (fpij) febrears unb reein gefctMcbt. 
St G. Barebfet) (fpij) febrears. 
© SB. Bambfep (ipip) febrearse unb reeipe ¡Ringe. 
SBeft Storfs (flumof) febrears. 
Si G. ©unfleet (fpifj) ftbrearse unb reeipe ¡Hinge 
mit ©tange unb ¡Hi)ontbuo 
ffltib ©unfleet (flumpf) febreats. 
©unjleet ©pit (flumpf) febrears. 
©SB ©unfleet (flumpf) frbroars 
SBejl ©unfleet (flumpf) febreats. 
©retn ©pitreap (flumpf) febreats. 
SBbitafer (fpif; fd>reatse unb roeifte ¡Hinge. 
St G Diapltn (fpib) febreats 
Gaft 'I'taplm (ftumpf febreats 
Siaplin Spit (flumpf) febreats 
SRaplin (ftumpf) febrears 
@ G 'Dtaplin (flumpf febreats

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