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Full text: 1870 (1870)

The local pilotage authorities further state 
in reference to the removal of beacons, that 
the buoys and landmarks are always taken 
up at the close of navigation, to prevent 
their being injured by the ice, and again put 
down in their proper places early in the 
spring, before the arrival of any vessels, and 
that there is no necessity for the continuance 
of the North beacon, as the lighthouse on 
Richibucto head sen es the same purpose, 
and with much greater certainty. 
They also state that the bar channel in 
stead of filling up is gradually becoming 
deeper, with every prospect of continuing to 
do so. 
(Not. t«> mar. No. 36. 31ht March 1870.) 
gebracht. £)ie 9torbbafe ifl entfernt worben, ba 
bet ilticbibucio-Veuchttburm biefelben $)ienfte unb 
mit grefceret Sicherheit leiftet. 
Da« ^ahrwaffet auf bei ©arre verflacht fui) 
nicht, fenbem wirb vielmehr nach unb nach tiefer 
US. Fiji Group. 
Simki-n of rocks. 
Information has been received through 
the I’nited States Government that a rocky 
patch, with 2 fathoms water, lies in lat 17 
50' S., long. 179 2' 20" West from Green 
Also, that the reef at the south-west end 
of Taviuni. extends West 4 miles. 
Also, that a rock exists in lat. 18 22' S.. 
long. 179 27' 20" W. 
Hocks in Vlfj Hainan Bay. 
Notice is also given of the existence of 
two patches of coral rock, on which H.M.S. 
Blanche struck on the Oth ami 7th December 
1869, in Viti Rauran bay, Viti Levu island. 
1. A patch inside the Mololo passage 
with 2* fathoms water on it. lies one mile 
South from Spieden island. 
2. A patch in the centre of the bay with 
the following hearings, Liuthieum island North 
6 miles. North point of Malolo lailai W. by 
Stiller Ocrait. 
'Uliitic ftlippeit in l>cr $iji:(t}ruw»r. 
tiine ^elfenbanf, 12 unter ®af[er, befmbet 
fid) in 17 50' Sübbreite unb 179 2' 2i> 'SkO* 
län^e von (Greenwich 
Das SHiff am Sübweflenbe von Xaviuni erfherft 
ficb 4 Seemeilen nach ©eft. 
Üluf 18 32' Sübbreite unb 179 27 2<i 
'ISefllünge von (Srccnwid) ifl eine Klippe entbedt 
ferner bat Abter ^riiifchen ÜÄajeflat Schiff 
„SMandie" am 6. unb 7. Dezember v. 3 »n ber 
¿iti iHauran«$3ai, 3 n f fl ®iti Vievu, auf jwei 
Korallenflippen ^e(to§en 
1. vfine s J?anf innerhalb ber SRololo • fßaffage 
2’ jjaben unter ©affer, 1 Seemeile Süb von ber 
2. l£ine s £anf im ^{ittelpunfte ber s £ai unter 
folgenben 'Peilungen: Jiutbieuni-^nfel N 6 See« 
meilen entfernt, ^icrbfpifce von ÜRalolo lailai W 
N W \ W 5 Seemeilen entfernt, Spiebcn • 
S W J S 7 Seemeilen entfernt.

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