111. Beaeoii on Block House slioal.
Also, that the screw pile beacon has been
replaced on the Block House shoal with the
following bearings: —
Kintoan lighthouse S by W.
Small lighthouse W by N \ N.
The beacon is in 6 f«*et water at low water
springs, and the upper part of the basket is
14 feet above high water.
(139—141. Not. to Mar. No. 40. June 22.)
»atc auf ber äMpcf >>unfc Untiefe.
$fuf brr SMocf £oufe Untiefe ift bie auf
©cbraubenpfeilern fte&enbe 33afe unter folgenben
Teilungen wieber aufgeriebtet:
ftintoan Xfeud)ttburm (33afe) S / \V.
kleiner l*eucbt!burm (33afe) \V N W \ W.
<Die s J5afe ftebt in 6' ©affer bei 3ticbrigwaffet
Springseil, ber obere Xbeil be8 Storbel liegt 14
über $o$waffrt.
111. Scotland—West Coast— Ri\er Clyde.
Additional lights.
The Trustees of the Clyde Navigation have
given Notice, that in addition to the light on
Donald’s Quay, in the River Clyde, of which
information was given in Notice to Mariners,
No. 23, dated 30th April I860, the following
lights have been established:—
Rled lliflit abreast \eivsliot
On the north bank of the river abreast
the centre of Newshot island, a fixed red
light, elevated 24 feet above high water.
W bite 11 £ lit near Park Oiia.v.
A little to the west of Park Quay a fixed
white light, elevated 24 feet above high water.
Each of tin* above lights, as well as that
on Donalds Quay, is shown from an hexa
gonal-shaped glazed lantern fixed oil the top
of a cast-iron circular tower.
ödiüttlanb. — Wrfthüftr. — Clgöe ilitf.
9teuc Jvciicr.
Kujjer bem леиег auf ©onalb'S йшго im
(Hübe glu§ (vergleiche 3iacbricbten für ©eefabrer
9tr. 11 1100]'! ftnb noth folgenbe eingerichtet:
SJotbcs jyeuer дсдсииЬсг ber
SbctPöbot jn)c[.
2luf bem not blieben Ufer be? lyluffeä gegen
über bem ÜJlittelpunft ber iieirbhet ¿nfel ein feftc?
retbes леиег, 24 über <£cd)traf[er.
Jicncv beim 4 Vnrf &uat>.
(Sin wenig wefllicb vom фаг! C.uap ein fefJeS
weifte* леиег, 24' über £ocbwaffer.
©iefe beiben geuer fowebl al$ аиф ba§ auf
©onalb’d öuap brennen in einer feebseefigen Laterne
auf ber 0pi|e eine$ gufjeifcrnen runben TfntrmeS.