France-West Coast.
Alteration of IlfflitH Passe flu
lord, (iironde river.
The French Government has given Notice,
that in consequence of considerable changes
having taken place in the banks of the Passe
du Nord, (¡ironde river, whereby the lead
ing marks indicated by the lights of Pontaillac
and Terre-Negre lead over the edge of La
Mauvaist bank and near the margin of the
bank off Point de la Coubre. the following
alterations will be made in the lights:—
1. Palmy re light. A lighthouse erected
on the dunes of Point de la Palmyre,
from which an alternating red and green
light will be exhibited, visible from 12
to 15 miles. This light will bear S E by
E ^ & about 4$ miles from the lighthouse
on Point de la Coubre.
2. Point de la Coubre light-vessel.—
A light-vessel exhibiting two fixed white
lights visible 8 to 10 miles, moored south
of the lighthouse of Point de la Coubre,
about (> miles N N W \ W from Cordouan
3. St George and Sulzac lights. — In
crease of brilliancy.
4. Falaise and Pontaillac lights.—-Dis
5. Terre-Negre light — From a fixed
white light to a fixed green light of feeble
strength, obscured in the direction of the
sea from a line drawn through the N E
buoy of the Mourevel bank, northward.
D irections.—When the above alterations
have taken place, vessels entering the Gironde
by the Passe du N'ord should approach by
keeping the lights on Point de la Coubre and
Palmyre in a line, and then steer with the
light-vessel and the revolving light of Cor
douan in one, opening the floating light a
frankreid). — tOffthiiftr. — (firoubr
'lun-ii ntern lift ter Metier im '?lort=
¡Die gtanjofifcfye SHe^ierung maebt befannt, bag
in goige betraebtlitbev Petanbetungen bet Pattfe
im notblidjen jfanal bet (fiironbe, roobutcb bie
SHicbtungbmarfen, bunt) bie geuet von pontaillac
unb Sfrre.Sli gte gebilbet, ubet bab (¡tube bet
Sanf i'iauvaifc unb nabe an bfn 91anb bet Pant
Vot bet Spige la Eoubre fufnen, folgenbe geuet.
veriinberungen ootgenommen reerben follen.
1) Palmpte-geuer. — Stbauung einea ieud)t.
tburmeb mit abwecbfelnb totb unb grunem
geuet non 12 bib 15 Seetneilen Sicbtbatfeit
auf bm D linen vonPalmvre, SOzO.J O, ea.
4J Seetneilen oom Point be la (Soubte ■ geuet-
2) Point be la Eoubte.geuetfd)iff. — Stub-
legung eineb geuerfebiffeb mit twei feflen wei-
Sen geuem von 8 bib 10 Seemeilen Sidn-
batfeit, fubliip vorn Point be la Eoubre.geuer,
ca. 6 Seemeilen X N W \ YV vom Eotbuan-
3) @1. ©eorge- unb Suljac.geuet. Pen
flarfung bet Veiubtfiait.
4) galaife- unb Poniaillae.geuer. 21ub.
5) lette • 9Ugte-geuet. llmtvanblung beb
feflen »eigen geuetb in ein gtiineb von ge.
ringetet ileud)tftaft, vetbunfelt narf) See ju
in bet Cinie, bie burefc bie notbofllidje Poje
auf bet Ptoutevel-Sanf nacb 9totben gejogen
Setnetfung. Jlatbbembiefeilenbetungen flat!«
gefunben baben »etben, muffen Sebiffe, »eltbe in
bie (Ritonbe butcb ben iiotb • ftanal einlaufen, bei
bet Slnnaberung bit geuet auf Point be la (Soubte
unb Paltttvte in Untie ^nlten, battn baben fie in
biefet Cinie auf ban Dtebfeuet von Sotbouan ju
»eitet ju fleuent, jebocb fo, bag bab geuetft^iff