Beilage ;um ’Dreuriutoftt
^aubdd < tirchio, ^^^rgang 1869.
itadiriditcn für Sccfaljrcr.
1^4. >orth Vllamic. — I’nlfrd Slates of America.
Iliscoiiliiiiiaiicc of liglitN
at Brant Point (Nantucket) Beacon,
Massachusetts; Old Point Comfort
Beacon, Virginia; Bay Point, South
Carolina; The Bay, (Savannah,) (Geor
gia; and Fishing Kip Light Vessel,
Port Royal entrance. South Carolina.
ttorb - 3tlantifd)rr Ocean. — Drrrinigtr Staaten
0?ntfe rim lift fccr Scuer
ju 23rant 'Point (9lantucfet) Seacon, Staffa*
d)ufettg; Olb point Comfort Sea con, 23ir =
ginia; 23au Point, South Carolina/ 2lje
23 ao (Saoannab) (Georgia/ unb gif hing ill ip
geuerfebiff, C ingang gum Port Stonai,
South Carolina.
By authority of the Secretary of the Trea
sury, the following named Light Stations
will be discontinued from and after the 30th
day of .hint* 1869.
Brant Point Beacon Light, situated about
280 feet in front of the Brant Point Light
house, Nantucket Harbor, Massachusetts.
Old Point Comfort Beacon Light, on the
S. W. point of Old Point Comfort. Virginia.
Bay Point Light. Port Royal entrance,
South Carolina.
The Bay. At the east end of the Bay in
the city of Savannah, Georgia.
The Light-vessel now stationed at Fishing
Rip. in main ship channel. Port Royal en
trance. South Carolina, will on the 15th day
of May, 1869. be withdrawn from that sta
tion. She will be immediately transferred to
Tybee Island Knoll, in Savannah river, and
will on the evening of 1st June, and thence-
21m unb nad) bem 30. guni 1869 werben
folgenbe geuei aufhören gu brennen:
23rant Point 23aafen-geuer, c. 280' rer beni
23rant Point « geuerthurm, 2?anturfet*jpafen, Ptap
Olb point Comfort 23aafen • geuer auf rer
SW-Spipe ber Olb Point Comfort, Virginia.
©an Point-geuer, Cingang (um Porr ’Renal,
South Carolina.
ipe 23ap. 2luf bem oftlicben Cnbe ber ©ai
in ber Stabt Sanannaf), ©eorgia.
Das jept ,(u gifhing 9Up, im Äanal für gtojje
Schiffe beö Cingango (u 'Port 21 opal, South Ca
rolina, ftationirte geuerfebiff wirb am 15. SJlai
1869 non feiner Station eingegogen unb fofort
nach 'Xpbee 38Ianb ÄnoU, im Saoannah * glufj,
oerlegt, an welcher Stelle ee oont 1. 3uni an bis
auf SBcitereö in ber £öbe von 30 über ber