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Full text: 1869 (1869)

(Not. to Mar. No. 8.) 
in the colour of the buoys marking the en 
trance of Exmouth harbour: 
The white buoys on tin* port side will be 
coloured black and white in vertical stripes. 
The red Fairway buoy will be changed to 
black and white in horizontal bands. 
(Not. to Mar. No. 7.) 
bie ben (Eingang nach bem (Ejmoutb * £afen be« 
jeid)nen, etngefüljrt wirb 
Die weiften ¡Bojen am ¡Badborb werben febwar* 
unb weift, tertical gefheift. 
Die rotbe ga^rwaffer • ©oje wirb fchwarj unb 
weift, ^oriental geflreift. 
18. Ilallic — hulf of Finland. 
Fixed liierlit at llan^o head road. 
With reference to Notice to Mariners 
No. 101, dated 28th October 1868, the Rus 
sian Government has given Notice that the 
light at the entrance of Uangd road, therein 
mentioned, has been exhibited since the 7th 
day of November 1868. 
The light is a fixed light, showing red 
from the entrance of the roads, or when 
bearing from N.N.W. \ W. round by West 
and South to S. by E. £ E.. and white to 
wards the anchorage from S. by E. \ E. to 
E. by S. \ S. It is elevated 40 feet above 
the sea. and in clear weather should be seen 
from a distance of 7 miles. 
The illuminating apparatus is dioptric. 
The light is exhibited from a lantern on 
an iron pillar at the northern extremity of 
Gustafssvard island; its position is in hit. 59 
48' N.. long. 22 57' \ East from Greenwich. 
The light will be exhibited from the 1st 
August to the 1st May. 
Directions. — Vessels entering Uangd 
road should keep within the limits of the 
red light and anchor when in sight of the 
white light, 
Cflfcr, (frolf ooii .finnlanD. 
JJcftce Jicncr, >>cati '3tbct | c. 
üRit ¡Bcjug auf bic Notices to Mariners 
9tr. 101 tom 28. October 1868 tbeilt bie SRufftfdjc 
¡Regierung mit, baft ba@ geuer am (Eingang 
£angö * ¡Rtfebc feit bem 7. ¡November 1868 brennt. 
Da§ geuer ift feft, её erfc^eint rotb ton bem 
(Eingang bet ¡Rbeben an, ober wenn man её peilt 
ton NNW \ W runb Ьигф ©eft unb в üb bid 
SzO § O, unb weift gegen ben Elnferplafc ton 
SzO $ О bi8 OzS % S. jpöbe 40' über ber 
SBalTerfiäcbe, bei Harem ©etter auf 7 Seemeilen 
(Entfernung fici)tbar. 
Der deucf)tapparat ifl bioptrifd). 
Das freuet brennt in einer Üateme auf einem 
eifemen ¡Pfeiler an ber потЬЦфеп Stifte ber 
®uflafeftarb»3 n fel/ bie ¡jage ifl: 59 48 ¡)iorb 
Breite unb 22 57' ‘ Oft Vtänge ton ©reenwicb. 
Da§ geuer brennt tom 1. Elugujt bie 1. ÜRai. 
Einleitung. Schiffe, bie nact) jpangö'SRbebe 
geben, foüten йф innerhalb ber Фгещеп be? гофеп 
Üic^ted halten unb anfern, wenn in ®uf)t be? 
weiften geuer?.

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